Thursday 17 December 2015

Southend Becoming Gloriously Vibrant And Diverse…

Tahmid Alam celebrated his 19th birthday in court as the jury found him guilty of the attack in Westcliff this year.
The jury unanimously found Alam guilty of wouding Glen Lashley with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, and possession of an offensive weapon, before judge Samantha Leigh sent him down for 14 years at Basildon Crown Court on Friday.
It’s – of course! – gang related:
Former Futures College pupil Alam was the passenger in a car that deliberately rammed Mr Lashley’s vehicle at the junction of Hamlet Court Road and West Road at around 5pm on Tuesday, June 16.
He and the driver then got out of the car, raced towards the victim and, leaning through his open window, stabbed Mr Lashley in the chest.
I fail to see how that’s not attempted murder, frankly.

And Futures College is quickly becoming notorious for its problems.

Still, the Alams are quite the little crime family, it transpires.
Just weeks before the attack Alam had been on trial for the murder of Hassan Mohammed Ibrahim in York Road last July.
He, along with four others, were acquitted but his brother, Tajwar, also 19, was found guilty and sentenced to a minimum of 20 years in jail.
Judge Leigh added: “This was a revenge attack and a clear message to anyone giving evidence against you or your family that it was unacceptable.”
Nor is this Junior’s first time round the block:
Alam of Roseville Road, Hayes, has previously served a custodial sentence and has convictions for robbery with a knife, another robbery, two assaults with attempt to rob, possession of a knife, possession of drugs, possession with intent to supply class B drugs and modifying an imitation firearm.
He will serve ten years of his sentence in custody before a further four out on licence, although he can be considered for release after two thirds of his ten years.
So he’ll probably be out before his 25th birthday. Ain’t justice grand?


  1. To be fair though Joolz, when you move people out to say Manchester, because the rents are cheaper etc, you didn't seriously think that those empty properties would be taken by "Professional Couples" did you? You did, didn't you?

  2. The epidemic of gang crime correlates with plod tolerance. As one comment prudently observed "...feet on the ground not coppers driving around."

  3. Melv,
    Feet on the ground wouldn't have been much good in a case involving scum in cars, unless it happened where a copper was actually stood. That's why crimes use cars - so they can drive around to where there are no feet on the ground.
    Have the council moved you to a cheaper area yet?

  4. Unfortunately they don't come much cheaper than round here Pens..

  5. " didn't seriously think that those empty properties would be taken by "Professional Couples" did you? "

    Well, no. But that's a whole other argument!

    " As one comment prudently observed "...feet on the ground not coppers driving around.""

    What were they supposed to do, as Penseivat points out? Run after the car?
