Saturday 9 January 2016

Don't Say We Didn't Warn You....

Once, most fur came from Italy and France, where animals have to be kept in minimum-standard conditions. This kept the price high and ensured that it was only used on high-quality garments.
But because there are next to no welfare standards in Asia and battery farming is rife — some farms have up to 10,000 animals in tiny wire cages — fur can be produced for a pittance from rabbits, mink and foxes, as well as more unusual creatures such as raccoon dogs — a wild animal, resembling a fluffy raccoon.
A 70 cm strip of raccoon dog fur — enough for a hood trim — can be picked up for as little as a pound.
Something that was predicted by anyone with a brain when the animal rights loons were on their anti-fur rampage, and was ignored in the flurry of virtue signalling and hypocrisy.
The other problem is that consumers are now used to such realistic faux fur that it’s hard to tell what’s real and what isn’t.
Not for me, it isn't. I can always tell.
...with fur now so cheap, animal lovers and vegetarians may find themselves unwittingly buying into the fur trade, which they abhor.
Awwww, it'd take a heart of stone, wouldn't it?


  1. Bunny

    Remember that these idiots are the people who released mink into the wild destroying the water vole population. Fingers crossed that they enjoy their fur linings.

  2. In view of these revelations, anyone who is sincere about fighting cruelty to animals won't buy anything that looks like fur. In fact they won't buy anything made in China at all.

  3. "Remember that these idiots are the people who released mink into the wild destroying the water vole population."

    Yup! They aren't animal lovers at all. They are rich people haters.

    "In fact they won't buy anything made in China at all."

    Slim hope!
