Saturday 9 January 2016

Tory Peer Discovers Horrible Chavs Use Public Transport, SHOCK!

Lord Sherbourne of Didsbury, a former adviser to Margaret Thatcher, launched a scathing attack on passengers who eat McDonalds and KFC takeaways on the Underground network.
He is now set to use a Parliamentary question time slot to lobby the government to push for a Transport for London rule change.
A great use of government time, I'm sure you'll agree...
The senior Conservative, who joined the Lords in 2013, said he finds the consumption of hot and greasy food on Tube trains offensive.
He told the Standard: “I travel on the Tube a lot and what I see is continual.
“The thing that I think is awful is when people come on the Tube when they have a McDonald’s bag and they put them on the seat next to them.
“Some poor unsuspecting man or woman is going to end up sitting on that seat not know what has been on it.
“At lunchtime, and I have seen this a lot, they are eating noodles in plastic containers which drip all over the place so they go on the floor. You get people eating sandwiches and sometimes even that goes all over the place.
“KFC and McDonalds are the worst.”
Oooh, controversial!
Lord Sherbourne said he hopes his question in the House of Lords will open up a discussion on the issue.
He said: “I think the first thing is for London Transport to say they think it is something worth looking at.
“They could talk to other countries and see how well it has worked and how they manage to communicate it then do some opinion research on people who use the Tube.
If people support it, it is something they should give thought to.”
So, I hear a lot of people support closing our borders, and the return of capital punishment, and lifting of the Labour government's hunting ban.

Over to you, Lord Sherbourne!


  1. He may not have noticed but all the small butchers, fishmongers, grocers, greengrocers have gone along with other types of retail outlets to be replaced by takeaways and fast food outlets. Because that is where the money is. The downside is the amount of litter dropped casually, people not looking where they are going and in confined spaces the smells. One reason why this has happened is because it is what the politicians have wanted.

  2. Absolutely disgusting, the stink is nauseating. Why can't the man learn to keep his mouth closed while he's talking?

  3. Oops! A member of the Metropolitan Elite has encountered an aspect of everyday reality. So sorry, Sire.

  4. It's the wrong rule change. If the law was changed to force McDonalds and KFC to sell more appetising food then the chavs wwould eat it all - problem solved!

  5. "One reason why this has happened is because it is what the politicians have wanted."

    Like the last post showed, the law of unintended consequences is never repealed...

    "Oops! A member of the Metropolitan Elite has encountered an aspect of everyday reality."

    Always a 'popcorn moment', isn't it?

    "If the law was changed to force McDonalds and KFC to sell more appetising food..."

    Nothing wrong with MaccyD in moderation! KFC fries are to be avoided though.
