Wednesday 10 February 2016

England Are Never Going To Win The World Cup…

…not at the rate all our ‘talented young footballers’ are being relegated by the Grim Reaper!
Talented young footballer Lewis Johnson, 18, hit a van at a busy junction near Clapton Common shortly before noon yesterday.
Scotland Yard said they launched a pursuit after the teenager failed to stop for officers investigating reports of a theft in Dalston 30 minutes earlier.
At least no innocent bystanders were mown down. My sympathies are with the van driver and the police, who’ll now face a grilling from the IPCC.

For those who regard this as heartless, because ‘he couldn’t be expected to know the dangers of police evasion on a moped, well…
His death sparked an outpouring of grief among friends and family, many of whom last night gathered at an event to mark what would have been the 20th birthday of Henry Hicks, 18.
Henry, from Islington, died when he crashed his moped into a parked car while being pursued by two unmarked police cars in December 2014.
I guess some people are just incapable of learning…
Other friends flooded social media with tributes the popular teenager, one wrote: “Feels weird to know I’ll never bump into him again on the late-night shop runs or catch him riding through the end on pedals.”
Two wheels weren’t his forte, obviously!
Another said: “So many people from my area dying from either stabbings or moped crashes, RIP Lighty.”
They seem to regard these hazards as unavoidable acts of nature, like lightning strikes or meteorites. In fact, they are simple consequences of their lifestyle.


  1. Talented Young Footballer = Someone who was never going to get even close to becoming a footballer even if he had lived and turned his life around, but he used to play on the square so we'll use that to make him sound human.

  2. Aspiring Rapper.

  3. Phew, he wasn't an aspiring musician and rapper (once uploaded clip of shape throwing to YouTube) so at least the future of pop dodged a bullet this week.

  4. Bunny

    18 and riding a moped, no self respect that lad, when I was that age no one with any self respect would ride a moped.

  5. Bunny - Mopeds and tiny pushbikes are the vehicle of choice for drug dealers as they're easy to get around on.

  6. No sprogs yet: methinks the taxpayer dodged a bullet!

  7. The mother is "demanding answers" from the police. She'd be better off hiring a psychic to ask her "perfect son" why the heck he failed to stop when first ordered.

  8. "Talented Young Footballer = Someone who was never going to get even close to becoming a footballer.."

    Oh, I dunno, I've got one coming up who has at least kicked a ball under the eye of a professional coach once or twice... ;)

    " at least the future of pop dodged a bullet this week."


    "...the vehicle of choice for drug dealers as they're easy to get around on."

    Not very good at getting around vans, though... :D

    "No sprogs yet..."

    Still time for some baby mama to come out of the undergrowth, lured by the intoxicating scent of compo.
