Tuesday 22 March 2016

Are You Defined Solely By Your Disability?

Richard Howitt clearly thinks so.
The EU referendum campaign so far has been more about politicians than about people. But what about the impact of leaving the EU for Britain’s 10 million people with disabilities?
What indeed? And what about the impact of leaving the EU for Britain’s gingers, or trainspotters, or Toby Jug collectors?
People with disabilities will always campaign to pull down barriers, not erect new ones.
Really? Funny how they have demanded immediate access to interviews for jobs then, and disabled-only spots in car parks. Which is a barrier to everyone else, by any definition!
In all the talk of “free movement” in Europe, what about the right of a British wheelchair user to take a holiday or visit abroad?
Wait, what? Would a standalone Britain adopt a position of ‘no foreign travel for cripples’ then?
Being part of Europe is a safeguard against British governments of all political colours removing disability rights.
This is just more hysterical scaremongering nonsense. What this cretin is demanding is that people with disabilities should vote a particular way because their disability is the deciding factor.

That they might see Brexit as a good thing overall for themselves and their children, despite the possible (and highly improbable!) negatives is irrelevant.


  1. Lynne at Counting Cats22 March 2016 at 16:15

    Don't you just love it when someone talks for an entire group of people they have never met nor would acknowledge if they met them in the street.

    This is about that new catch phrase - virtue signalling. There's a better name for it. Idiot signalling.

  2. It's even worse than you state. The man's whole position is predicated on his statement that a UK Government would immediately start slashing the rights of the disabled once out of the EU - which is pure supposition and unsupported by any facts

  3. "This is about that new catch phrase - virtue signalling. "

    Spot on!

    ".... - which is pure supposition and unsupported by any facts"

    Like most of the positions on Brexit from the Remain crowd, it makes no logical sense at all...
