Tuesday 22 March 2016

What A Quisling Looks Like, Children…

Here’s Simon Jenkins, with the party line on this morning’s Islamist terror attack, posted before the smoke had fully dissipated:
Merely killing passers-by serves no warlike purpose in itself. The explosive force derives from our reaction to it, from the public attention awarded to it and from the response of the political community. Publicity and response are the terrorists’ “useful idiocies” .
Just as appeasers like you are their ‘useful idiots’, Simon?
There is no way any community can make itself immune to terror attacks. Since they are random, no protection can defend that community from them. No amount of police work or surveillance, no deployment of armies or navies, let alone of missiles or nuclear weapons, can guard against them. Intelligence and surveillance can go so far, but the bombers and killers will get through any net.
This is certainly true. Especially if the killers don’t expect to survive.

But do we want to be like Israel, where would-be jihadis wind up facedown in the gutter with their brains leaking out, or like Europe, where a captured jihadi (who has hidden in the ghetto of his fellow Islamists for weeks, unmolested by police who regard it as a ‘no go area’) announces his intention to sue his captors under human rights laws with the benefit of his taxpayer-funded lawyer?
“Fighting terrorism” is as meaningless as “fighting guns” .
Really? Cool. I look forward to quoting you on the next ‘Stupid Yanks, clinging to God and guns’ article that crops up in this online cesspit that is CiF these days…
What is not stupid is seeking to alleviate, or not aggravate, the rage that gives rise to acts of terror…
Once again, I’m reminded of Churchill’s description of an appeaser. Well, I’m tired of this crocodile called Islam. And I need a new pair of shoes and a handbag.
The blanket media coverage assured for any act of violence is reckless. The media must “report”, but it need not go berserk in revelling in the violence caused, as it manifestly has done to Islamic State brutality.
The MSM is old hat. Who really cares what the ‘Guardian’ or even ‘Daily Mail’ take on it is, when with social media you can view all opinions at the touch of a button?
More serious, the intention of the terrorist is clearly to shut down western society, to show liberal democracy to be a sham and to invoke the persecution of Muslims.
You think there’s really been ‘persecution of Muslims’, Simon? Really?
Yet that is the invariable response of the security industry to these incidents. Convinced of its potency, it dare not admit there are some things against which it cannot protect us. So when incidents occur it jerks the knee and demands ever more money and ever more power. It must not be given them.
Fuck off, you quisling traitor. And when you get there, fuck off again.


  1. "...where would-be jihadis wind up facedown in the gutter with their brains leaking out..."

    Sounds pretty damn good to me.

  2. Simon Jenkins is on a roll, after his weekend piece saying that immigration is just something we should get used to and stop moaning about, for which in CiF he recieved a severe thrashing verbally, he now does another piece on the same lines, just for once Julia, fuck off, really isn't enough.
    He is a arch appeaser wanting us to give the Falkland Islands to Argentina despite the fact they have no more claim to them then several other settler nations and certainly less claim than us.
    So F O again.

  3. PS
    I applaud your final paragraph, Julia. Succinct yet unarguable.

  4. It may well not be possible to prevent all acts of terrorism, but it is certainly possible to heat up the ground under the feet of those who promote, encourage, finance and applaud them.

    It is time to
    - repeal the provisions of discrimination law relating to religion (which, unlike race, is a matter of choice)
    - actively promote and encourage those minority versions of Islam that the jihadists absolutely hate and that are very definitely opposed to jihadism and terrorism, e.g. the Ahmadis (virtually banned in Pakistan), the Ismailis (the Aga Khan's lot, and lovely educated, civilised people) and the Alevis. This might involve quietly siphoning plenty of them into the right sort of jobs while preventing other types of Muslim getting employment in teaching, the civil service and local government
    - (quite possibly) quietly give some Hindus and Sikhs some weaponry and discreetly suggest that they go and use it on the ropers, who hate them and whom they hate.

  5. Lynne at Counting Cats22 March 2016 at 16:08

    Alas, Jenkins is but a symptom of the cultural Marxist syphilis eating away at our civilisation. This disease has invaded the body politic as well as its life support - the media. It infects the minds of our children via state controlled social engineering centres.

    If we can't stop the march of this lunacy it could destroy us all.

  6. Your last sentence does it for me.

  7. But do we want to be like Israel, where would-be jihadis wind up facedown in the gutter with their brains leaking out,

    Sounds like a win-win to me...

  8. So when incidents occur it jerks the knee and demands ever more money and ever more power. It must not be given them.

    In this, he is right. For that is to do the terrorists' work for them.

  9. CanWeLeaveRightNow22 March 2016 at 19:52

    I can't bear to watch the news - has Dhimmi Dave named the religion this is nothing to do with yet ?

  10. I applaud your determination to turn in a full day's blogging. You would have been entitled to leave it at your splendid Jenkins take-down and go off for a drink.

    My thanks for your continued critique of the news.

  11. Simon Jenkins is a very creepy person. I hope MI5 are watching him.

  12. "He is a arch appeaser wanting us to give the Falkland Islands to Argentina despite the fact they have no more claim to them then several other settler nations and certainly less claim than us."

    I can understand the Argies still banging that drum, but good god, what's in it for him?!

    "Succinct yet unarguable."


    "It may well not be possible to prevent all acts of terrorism, but it is certainly possible to heat up the ground under the feet of those who promote, encourage, finance and applaud them."

    Instead, our police farce arrests a man who Tweets... We're doomed.

    "In this, he is right. For that is to do the terrorists' work for them."

    It depends, I suppose, on what they want it for...

  13. "My thanks for your continued critique of the news."

    My pleasure (most of the time)... ;)

    " I hope MI5 are watching him."

    The whole 'Guardian' crew, as well!
