Wednesday 4 May 2016

Are You Sure You Wouldn't Be Better Off With 'Media Studies', Love?

Lizzy Kelly, a history student at Sheffield added: “Students might be more inclined to read what academics want them to if our curricula weren’t overwhelmingly white, male and indicative of a society and structures we fundamentally disagree with because they don't work for us.”
You're studying history, love. White, male and a 'society you don't agree with' is pretty much the coursework, isn't it?

H/T: wiggia via email


  1. Because black, females from alternative societies haven't really achieved much of historical importance. Much as it grates on some people the modern world we live in was built by white men from Europe.

  2. Didn't you know that Gracie Fields and Vera Lynn won the Second World War?

  3. My memory still serves me reasonably well and I can recall a time when undergrads were smart and hard working. What escapes is any recollection of 'professional assistance on hand' as it were, for wiping our own backsides.

  4. The student could always study African history, up to about 1800. But then studying means reading and thinking... Wow, that's tough for today's University fodder.

  5. I'm not just a white male but a WASP to boot, plus an aging one.

  6. Bunny

    What really pisses her off is the piss heads on the HND Building Studies course will leave the former poly, go straight into a job and earn more money from the off until retirement. They will be predominantly white and male. By the time they retire they will have added qualifications and seen more of the world. Why is that? Is it because of the white male patriarchy or is it because they have studied something useful and are contributing to the world?

  7. "Much as it grates on some people the modern world we live in was built by white men from Europe."

    You cannot erase history. Try though you might.

    "What escapes is any recollection of 'professional assistance on hand' as it were, for wiping our own backsides."

    Welcome to the Special Snowflake Generation.

    "Why is that? Is it because of the white male patriarchy or is it because they have studied something useful and are contributing to the world?"

    Her worldview will not permit any other answer than the former.
