Thursday 5 May 2016

"It's OK When We Do It!" Part 5485

Luciana Berger, mental health shadow minister, said Devon had spoken out “openly and honestly about the challenges facing children’s mental health under this Tory government.
“If she has been silenced then this raises serious questions over the government’s commitment to listening to the evidence and acting in the best interests of young people’s mental health and wellbeing.
“Ministers must explain themselves as a matter of urgency. Nicky Morgan [the education secretary] claims to be in ‘listening mode’ but it would appear that this does not extend to those that do not agree with her.”
Really, Luciana? Blimey, you must have been apoplectic when Labour did the same to Professor David Nutt.

Funny. Can't seem to trace any quote from you then...


  1. I have no idea of the stats but it appears to me that mental health problems have soared in recent years. It makes me wonder if there is a correlation between that and the number of people who have become left leaning in their political views. Certainly the left's ideology, policies and practices are favoured by far more people these days than right wing libertarian ones. Statism, crony capitalism, nanny state, PC and progressiveness appeal to so many and as they are not rational or logical things to desire only the mad would want them. On the scale of madness I would rate Blairities being moderately so to Corbynistas being totally demented. I would go as far as to say that the bulk of the population suffer from mental illness at least mildly as not many do not subscribe to one or more of the beliefs that I listed above. :)

  2. "mental health shadow minister"

    I'm sorry, but... what?

    They have a minister for that? Who's the minister (or shadow for that matter) for "People Who Identify as Small Furry Mammals," or the minister for "Underwater Basket Weaving?"

  3. "it appears to me that mental health problems have soared in recent years"

    Isn't characterising as mad people who's views you don't share usually a left wing tactic?

  4. Tees Maid indeed you are right but if they want to characterise me as mad for holding the views and opinions I do then I feel I have the right also to reciprocate.

  5. " It makes me wonder if there is a correlation between that and the number of people who have become left leaning in their political views."

    Bingo! Though Tees Maid also has a very good point.
