Thursday 26 May 2016

'Caring' For Whom..?

Certainly not the public:
Father-of-three Chris Scutt, 38, was shopping with his wife, Jen and their 15-month-old son, Alvis, when the man launched himself at the youngster.
Mr Scutt says he is angry that the carers responsible for looking after the man, who had learning difficulties, had brought him into the store - despite knowing he should not be around children.
Well, why not? They are never going to be held properly responsible, are they?
'I turned to hit the person who had done this and saw he had learning disabilities.
'I refrained as my main concern was to care for our son who had blood pouring from his face.'
Lucky for you that you did - the police would have certainly arrested you, and probably charged you with a 'hate crime' into the bargain...
A spokesman for Cephas Care, which runs a home where the man is living, said: 'We take seriously our role in the care and safety of the people we support.
What about the care and safety of the children they are prone to attack?
'As the event is currently under investigation by the police we are unable to comment in detail, however, at the time of the incident we did involve the safeguarding team at the local authority and we continue to work closely with them and the investigating police officer.'
Translation: 'Blah, blah, blah...'
An Essex Police spokesman said officers are investigating reports of an assault and inquiries are ongoing.
I hope Mr Scutt doesn't hold his breath. Essex plod have form for doing sod all in these cases.


  1. Lessons will be learned, you can be quite sure.

  2. It's very sad and the facts have been slow to emerge. PC 'Noddy' Gnasher was on Bun and Pie duty on a particular day when only two civilian guides had been commissioned by Essex Police to accompany him to the Supermarket.

  3. "Essex plod have form for doing sod all in these cases

    Too many words.

    Essex plod have form for doing sod all.

    There. Fixed it for you.

  4. Alvis Scutt? Sounds like someone from Monty Python.

  5. "Lessons will be learned, you can be quite sure."

    Oh, indeed!

    "There. Fixed it for you."


    "Alvis Scutt? Sounds like someone from Monty Python."

    I did wonder at the name. Isn't it some motorbike or car firm?
