Monday 30 May 2016

Reaping What You Sowed...

Vinny's family were audibly stunned when Kendrick, without warning, began demanding to see crime scene photos of Vinny as Judge Mr Justice Timothy King was about to begin summing up the case.
He shouted: 'I want to sit in chambers because I want to discuss something without Vincent Waddington's family and that fella from the Echo here.'
Judge King indicated he was not willing to delay the trial, but Kendrick shouted: 'I will just say it then, I want to see pictures of his body, of Vincent Waddington's body.'
As the atmosphere in court became heated, junior counsel for his legal team, Saul Brody, approached the dock to try and calm Kendrick down but was greeted by a tirade of abuse. Kendrick said: 'F*** off you c***, you don't represent me yous are sacked, you do f*** all for me.'
The murderer grinned as Vinny's family were led out of court while things calmed down.
At one stage of the trial Kendrick became annoyed that his co-defendant Bate was being asked questions relating to him by prosecutor Nigel Power, QC. Appearing to feel his legal team were not addressing the issue, he launched into a foul-mouthed tirade against the pair, saying to Mr Brody: 'I have told you once, I have told you twice, I won't tell you a third time; get the f*** out of my face.'
What on earth causes someone to have so little respect for the rule of law and for the justice system?
The court was told Kendrick had 25 previous convictions for 44 offences, and had been released from prison two weeks before the murder. His first conviction, for criminal damage, came when he was just 12 years old.
That's that question answered then.


  1. What on earth causes someone to have so little respect for the rule of law and for the justice system?

    The process, Julia, the process. We've blogged and blogged on it.

  2. There is a solution for this type of person - the 9mm one.

  3. Spot on, Jim:- and invoice the 'family' for the round, as they reputedly do in China.

  4. Nice Mr Pierrepoint30 May 2016 at 16:16

    Let him dance the Tyburn jig.

  5. Incidentally, we apparently shoot gorillas that haven't harmed anyone, when there's a risk they might, so why should this 'thing' (I wouldn't even grant him animal status to be honest) be allowed to walk among us (which he surely will again, given the joke that is the 'justice' system)?

  6. "...and invoice the 'family' for the round, as they reputedly do in China."

    They are undoubtedly on benefits, so we'd pay. Mind you, I'd be prepared to!
