Monday 30 May 2016

"We hope that you will respect our privacy at this time..."

...say the useless parents of the four-year-old who crawled under barriers, got into the gorilla exhibit and cost the life of an endangered animal in captivity. Pity they didn't respect the gorilla's privacy...
"...said Zoo Director Thayne Maynard “The Zoo family is going through a painful time, and we appreciate your understanding and know that you care about our animals and the people who care for them.”
Hmmm, sounds familiar. Wait, where have I heard this sort of self-justifying bollocks before?
Alejandra Montalva, the zoo director, defended the actions of staff. “The alarms sounded and chemical control arrived [tranquiliser darts] and an independent shooter arrived. The shooter decided to save the life of the person and unfortunately we had to sacrifice two members of our family,” she said.
Funny. My first instinct, on seeing 'a member of my family' struggling with an intruder wouldn't be to help the intruder.

I don't know what's more nauseating, the thought that, this being the States, the neglectful parents will probably hire some ambulance chaser to sue the zoo, or the fact that they clearly teach this PR crap to all zoo 'directors'.


  1. I thought the zoo director did a reasonable PR job; they had no choice. It does not really matter what the gorilla was thinking; a lowland gorilla has no experience of safely handling a four year old human. It would appear, though, that neither do the child's parents.

    The saddest part is that the gorilla did not appear to be hostile. If anything, it was baffled and trying to retrieve a baby ape which it knew to be in danger, hence making it stand up rather than drown. I doubt it could understand why the naked ape could not cling on, as any baby gorilla would.

    My sympathy is entirely for the gorilla, with a side-order for the zoo. If the public are to be given reasonable access to animals so they can learn a little about the vanishing world, then moats and unobtrusive fences are the way to go. But it depends on parents not allowing children to squeeze through gaps. Now there will be calls for glass barriers at vast expense, endangering the zoos themselves.

    I hope they send the bill to the parents.

  2. "Funny. My first instinct, on seeing 'a member of my family' struggling with an intruder wouldn't be to help the intruder."
    Don't be silly - it's all catered for. This was a zoo and for as long as zoos remain legal, the attendant risks and hazards for 'putting on a profitable spectacle' result in the inevitable demise of the odd captive and tortured silverback, or whatever. Consider your presence on our public roads, Julia. Meandering along in that 'off-road' tank, multitasking with the odd text and fiddling with the driving mirror to remove that loose spot of mascara...I mean, how did that wretched cyclist get under the wheels, anyway? Well I'm all in favour of raising road safety to zoo level. We need snipers on the grassy knowles; paid to spot danger and eliminate the crazies. It's the only way to be sure, dear.

  3. Couldn't they have shot the kid out of the gorillas hand?
    PS Melvin appears to have "jumped the shark". He used to quirky and eccentric, now he's just insane.

  4. The earlier footage obscured the child's ethnicity. This led a surprising number of people to think that the gorilla has been shot to protect white boy and to speculate that it would not have been done for a black boy.

    Paul Joseph Watson re-tweets a collection of identity politics assumptions.

    The Mirror seems to be running un-censored material.

  5. Deonne Dickerson (whoever would have guessed it) can thank the death of Harambe the silverback, his lucky black genes and be grateful to have been born into that great Land of the Free. Newly appointed legal and PR teams will already be discussing the best options for playing his race card. The impending prospect of no further dependency on burglary, firearms offences, drug trafficking, criminal trespass, kidnap and maintain that stylish living to which he, Michelle Gregg and their four wall-scaling sprogs, have become accustomed, is the classic American Dream.

  6. "My sympathy is entirely for the gorilla, with a side-order for the zoo."

    Ditto. The sickening lack of awareness of the 'mother' in her later public statements merely cemented this.

    "Newly appointed legal and PR teams will already be discussing the best options for playing his race card."

    Sadly, I suspect you are right...
