Friday 3 June 2016

Beautiful Shoebury-on-Sea...

Maplin Way and Delaware Road in Shoebury were closed at about 2pm after police were called to a disturbance in Maplin Way.
Southend Council advised that school collections at Thorpedene Primary School were affected.
...where Essex plod close a road for two hours because of a punch up.


  1. And Swindon Plod close a road for 5 hours because of a suspicious white powder

    - It was probably soap

  2. Unnecessary road closures by police continue to be the bane of motorists and since 2010, when the government first pretended to value public views on pointless policing and unnecessary road bureaucracy, the situation has only deteriorated. But I will be the first to admit there are occasions when it would be appropriate to close a road for safety. Only last month, during one of those rare spells of good weather when I could take my motorcycle for a spin, I was riding in the Flockton area, when I almost came a cropper on a bend where several police horse riders ahead of me, had left unattended, a humongous trail of equine feculence across the road.

    But experienced motorists already know that plod cannot cope, or face face dealing with their own shit.

  3. What a disappointment to be denied your customary crudities, WC Jaded. I anticipated one of your shorter posts. You know, 'cunt', 'cock' or the more difficult six-letter 'wanker' which has not been proffered for some time.

    It may assist to have these terms of abuse correctly spelled. Grammar tips and examples of how to use these words in a sentence, can also be provided on request.

  4. "And Swindon Plod close a road for 5 hours because of a suspicious white powder "

    Jeez... :/
