Friday 8 July 2016

I'd Rather The Driver Kept His Eye On The Road...

... rather than on the pervert in his rear view mirror.
Jason Mallett of Byron Street Hove is already banned from travelling on trains or buses at certain times of day - after repeatedly exposing himself.
He is also only allowed to sit on buses where he can be seen by the driver.
Yeah. That's not a recipe for disaster, is it?


  1. Not a barrel of lafs for the driver then, unless he/she likes that sort of thing. That's why buses drive into lamp posts. Just saying....

  2. But will it stand up in court?

  3. How about sitting in the driver's lap? He can be seen there.

  4. Comment in the link.............

    I hope people are not going to be all outraged about him exposing himself on public transport. After all if he'd been on a bike exposing himself in a public street you'd be all for it.

    Only in Hove !

  5. Lynne at Counting Cats9 July 2016 at 15:21

    An impromptu fix when confronted with indecent exposure. Wriggle little finger, point and laugh.

  6. "That's why buses drive into lamp posts. Just saying...."

    Or Halifax Building Societies. Funny how the police made an immediate arrest. Guess it wasn't Scotland.

    "Only in Hove !"


    "Wriggle little finger, point and laugh."

    I'd rather the driver didn't take his hands off the wheel either!
