Friday 8 July 2016

You Don't 'Develop' A Cannabis Problem...

The sentencing hearing was told Malik comes from a decent family, but had gone off the rails after developing a cannabis problem.
You 'develop' an allergy. You choose to take cannabis.
Waheed Baber, defending, said Malik was a dog owner himself, adding: “Your Honour may think these are not the actions of a gentleman who himself is a dog owner - to systematically damage, hurt Miss Burgess’ dog."
The barrister added that Malik had a £1,000 a month job as a ‘merchandise printer’, saying: “For him it would not be his main source of income, to go and burgle somebody’s home..this is very much his first burglary offence, he demonstrates his remorse by apologising to Miss Burgess for the trauma he has caused her. He says he is shocked about the injuries to the dog.
"There’s a real danger that the publicity and emotion surrounding this case becomes so overwhelming that it may overshadow everything else said on Mr Malik’s behalf.
Oh, I don't know. There'd have to be quite a lot of it to overshadow this, after all:
Sentencing Malik, who has previous convictions for fraud and possessing a blade and was on bail for assault at the time...
So, not his first offence, just his first for burglary! I'm sure it won't be long before he's got the whole set.


  1. 15 years he should get. I expect a tap on the wrist. What a bad bastard.

  2. He may be a dog owner but I am sure it's no pet.

  3. I see that it is his first burglary offence, but he has burgled (one presumes) more than one home. He would have been very unlucky to be caught and then in court for one burglary.

    Thus, it would be more accurate to say it was his first time caught.

    But thank goodness words can mean whatever the left-leaning hack wants them to mean.

  4. Lynne at Counting Cats9 July 2016 at 15:17

    Shar Pei - 1. Bastard burglar - 0.

    That's what I call a win.

  5. "He may be a dog owner but I am sure it's no pet."

    More like a tool. Like the owner.

    "Thus, it would be more accurate to say it was his first time caught."


    "That's what I call a win."

    I guess we can thank our lucky stars it didn't bite him, or the police would probably have pushed for its destruction under the new DDA...
