Thursday 28 July 2016

It Seems Police Dogs Are As Unable To Spot Villains These Days As The Police Themselves...

The dog had been taking part in a training exercise on the former Camelot theme park on Friday, July 1 when the incident happened.
Dominic alleges he was left bleeding for “a good hour” before being de-arrested and taken to hospital for treatment.
He was originally held on suspicion of going equipped to steal but now GMP says an inquiry has begun after the dog “unexpectedly detained” Dominic.
Heh! I do love the amazing lengths they go to in order to avoid saying 'attacked'...
Chief Inspector Mark Dexter of GMP’s Specialist Operations branch said: “During the exercise, which involved searching an open area within the site, one of the police dogs unexpectedly detained a man next to the perimeter fence just outside the site.
“The dog’s handler attended shortly after and brought the dog back under control before further enquiries were made at the scene and as a result the man was initially arrested on suspicion of going equipped to steal.
“He was de-arrested in order to receive hospital treatment and in line with standard policy the incident was referred to the GMP Professional Standards Branch.
How 'shortly after' are we talking about here?
“I know the images of the man’s injuries appear quite distressing and will understandably cause some concern but I would like to assure everyone that we are investigating this matter and will be looking to speak with the injured man as a matter of urgency to better understand what happened.
Didn't you speak to him at the time, when you were falsely arresting him?


  1. Perhaps he put his arm out to stop a bus or something...

    ...working dogs always attack people with their arm out...

  2. ....the former Camelot theme park ....

    Westworld. That's a robot dog from Google they were trialling. Back to the machine shop for Fido.

  3. Its a popular site with 28 days later people, who photograph industrial or abandoned places. Chances are he was one of them.

    This should be one for the HSE, injuries to members of the public by someone who is working are taken very seriously, but not , I suspect, in this case.

  4. "Perhaps he put his arm out to stop a bus or something...

    ...working dogs always attack people with their arm out..."

    And don't think of running up a seesaw to get away. They train for that!

    "Its a popular site with 28 days later people, who photograph industrial or abandoned places. Chances are he was one of them."

    The sort of place that would be popular with would-be dog handlers too? Sounds like a perfect storm waiting to happen.
