Thursday 28 July 2016

Silly Season Gets Better Every Year...

A woman has started a petition to bring in legislation for dangerous cats after her Nan was left in hospital after being attacked by a cat in her own garden.
Yes, you read that right. I know, I had trouble with it myself...
Norfolk Police were informed of the incident but no action was taken.
A spokesperson for the force said: “No criminal offence was committed and the issue was not something for the police to resolve. We advised the caller to speak to the landlord and try and resolve the problem through some kind of mediation.”
You misspelled 'medication', I think....
Ms Crowe said: “I just want people to sign the petition so we can get something similar to the dangerous dog act. If I kicked a cat I can get prosecuted but even though that cat bit my nanny nothing can done to the cat or the owner.
“I don’t want it put down or anything. I just want it assessed by the RSPCA and re-homed somewhere away from elderly people.”
I want people like you put in the stocks for public ridicule, but I suppose I'll have to swap them for the local paper...


  1. Really Joolz, if this had been a pitbull instead..

  2. Comment awaiting moggeration...

    OK, I'll get my coat.

  3. Here, kitty-kitty... Aagh! Bastard! Die kitty-kitty!


  4. Note Norfolk.

  5. Which one was the cougar?

  6. Norfolk.. Dicky Doubleday ground. Wonder if it was his cat?

  7. Tabby cats are renowned for their aggression, they will be the first breed on my list. Tortoiseshells are nasty by nature, though many hide it well, they're next on the list. Fat Blues and Burmese are just sneaky, cat sh*t in the toaster can be dangerous but they don't make the list. For a small fee I can compile an in-depth dossier for whichever government ministry takes up this ishoo. It's no so far fetched, whenever someone says that the government ought to do something, the government does.

  8. "Really Joolz, if this had been a pitbull instead.."

    But it wasn't. It'd have to be a very big cat to come close, and Flaviu's now back behind bars.

    "The "Lynx Effect"?"


    "OK, I'll get my coat."


    "For a small fee I can compile an in-depth dossier for whichever government ministry takes up this ishoo. It's no so far fetched, whenever someone says that the government ought to do something, the government does."

    They could put Palmerston on it, until the Home Office gets themselves a cat. Civil service cats in every department, I say!
