Thursday 4 August 2016

How About They Earn Them Instead?

Mr Elwin’s older brother Byron Douglas-Letts said: "Lewis was loved by so many people.
"This is what needs to happen as a community. 
"Youths need to be given something to do, give them something to be passionate about and a job they can be passionate about."
No-one gives you 'something to do', you go out and find it. Likewise, a job.

Think like this, and it's no wonder your 'community' is reverting to savagery.


  1. If members of 'the community' gave two hoots about anything other than gratifying their immediate desires and miraculously developed the ability to link consequences to actions, they might want to reconsider their disdain for stable two-parent families with a permanent father-figure.

    That simply squirting out children and failing to socialise them does not lead naturally to The Waltons but rather Lord of the Flies really should not be news to anyone in 2016.

  2. It used to be the norm when the unemployed went to the labour exchange and applied for whatever jobs were advertised. They weren't looking for a meaningful career, to change the world, or shag a football player. They merely wanted to work to pay rent, support a family, or fund their way through further education. Unfortunately, the labour exchange became the employment bureau, which doesn't advertise jobs, but does direct you to workshops which give you advice on how to look for a meaningful career, change the world, or shag a football player, while continuing to be eligible for job seekers allowance.
    The universal "I am entitled" has now taken over and, unfortunately, it means goodbye to personal pride.

  3. "... they might want to reconsider their disdain for stable two-parent families with a permanent father-figure. "

    Spot on!

    "The universal "I am entitled" has now taken over and, unfortunately, it means goodbye to personal pride."

    A natural consequence of abandoning 'shame'.
