Thursday 4 August 2016

I Wish I Hadn't Experienced Anything Like It, Love....

Yasmeen Sabri, 24, was putting the finishing touches to her £6,000 work when Mikaela Haze, 70, walked into the Royal College of Art in South Kensington and ripped the veil from its metal frame. Haze also screamed: “Saudi Arabia go home,” before knocking the sculpture to the ground on June 29.
Masters student Miss Sabri had spent six months creating the work, called Walk A Mile In Her Veil, for an exhibition to “promote tolerance and understanding”.
Today she said: “I’ve never experienced anything like it.”
Oh, c'mon! You must be familiar with the Turner Prize, where idiots are conned into declaring some load of old pony as 'art', surely?
Miss Sabri, originally from Jordan, has lived in London for six years. She said she had witnessed an increase in racially motivated crime since the referendum vote: “It’s obviously connected to Brexit. People are taking it as an excuse to be rude to others.
“It’s crazy. It’s not right. It’s a way to divide people. We are all human and it doesn’t matter if we were born under a different nationality or religion.
“It suddenly really feels like I’m not from this country. Obviously I’m not from this country, but I felt like I belonged in London and now it feels like I should go home.”
Don't let the door hit you on the way out...


  1. Been here for six years being an art student and has no intention of ever going back to Jordan. It's her London don't you know.

  2. You are up there with Bob Hope with your one liners. Like this one "Don't let the door hit you on the way out..." Sometimes your articles give me food for thought but nearly always give me something to smile about.

  3. I love that art today must promote tolerance and understanding. Mostly they were just pretty pictures or sculptures of, um ,fit people but then we got modern. Art has never looked back.

    But if this artist is truly 'modern' she would accept that the best art involves the observer, so tearing it apart becomes that crown jewel of creativity called 'performance art.' So no complaints there then, lady, or you can Brexit right off.

  4. Bunny

    Why didn't she just get a dementor from Harry Potter? I notice that she is not wearing a veil, as you say please go back to Jordan.

  5. It is often said that to be born British is to win the lottery of life. Why the hell are we giving away winning tickets to every rapist, cutthroat and thief this side of Baghdad and beyond?

  6. I wonder if this 'artist's' student visa has expired yet and if so, why is she still here?

    It couldn't be the British tax payers supporting her that is the great attraction now could it?

  7. 'It suddenly really feels like I’m not from this country. Obviously I’m not from this country....’

    Ah, that light-bulb moment....

  8. Enjoy..............

    it says the link will take you to more of the good lady's works, yet there is only the one, six years to produce what is an everyday sight on Ealing Broadway, somehow this is a side effect of the refugee crisis, according to her, anyway enjoy.

  9. Lynne at Counting Cats7 August 2016 at 06:30

    What's tolerant and understanding about a veiled figure? Why should people tolerate or understand something deliberately hidden from sight? And who's footing the bill for it?

  10. "It's her London don't you know."

    I guess Jordan doesn't think her employable...

    "...but nearly always give me something to smile about."

    I'm glad. There's precious little to laugh about these days... ;)

    "It is often said that to be born British is to win the lottery of life. Why the hell are we giving away winning tickets to every rapist, cutthroat and thief this side of Baghdad and beyond?"

    A damned good point.

    "it says the link will take you to more of the good lady's works, yet there is only the one..."

    Good grief!

  11. Miss Sabri managed to fix the she put the bit of cloth back over the metal framed manikin! So no big deal or destruction here then. But the race thingy gives the Establishment the heeby jeebies and "forces" them to act against this old (nutty?) lady
