Wednesday 17 August 2016

Maybe We Need Those Zombie Killer Knives After All..?

Neighbour John Day said Alex had only just returned home.
She had been behaving herself,” he said. “She was a bit barky but what dogs aren’t?
“She was fine until she did this.”
Neighbour Kathryn Cuniffe, 29, said the owner wasn’t to blame and added: “The police had the dog for two months. He has just got it back. It wasn’t a vicious dog but what’s happened to it while it’s been away?”
Neighbours reported seeing a marksman with a rifle when Alex was seized. She was driven off in an unmarked van.
Pity he didn't use it.
A spokesman for West Yorkshire Police said: “Police seized this animal on June 22 on suspicion it was a banned pit bull terrier breed.
“Following a screening it was determined the animal while a type of bull terrier, did not have enough pit bull characteristics to be held by authorities as a banned breed under the Dangerous Dogs Act.
“It was subsequently returned to its owner on August 10.”
Well, I think we can safely say it's proved its credentials now....
It is not known what will happen to the dog now.
Really? The poor bugger died. I think it's for the Big Sleep now, don't you?

Unless of course some idiot charity decides to spend donated money keeping it alive...


  1. "The police had the dog for two months." Yeeees.
    Police guests of any duration, be they man or beast, are likely to suffer inimical after-effects. And residents required little additional proof that Huddersfield is a town where there is no shortage of either crazed dogs or uniformed idiots.

  2. It puzzles me that a dog is judged dangerous or not by it's breed. This is ludicrous in my experience, which I have from dog breeding and showing many years ago, I found that although dog breed does have some bearing on how aggressive or not it is it is far from a useful measure.

    Temperament is the only true way to judge and is relatively easy to measure not perhaps by the general public but canine professionals should be able to. If we want to keep dangerous dogs out of ownership then all dogs should have to obtain a temperament certificate. Of course that will not be foolproof because of human error and more so because idiots once they have a dog that is temperamentally sound it is not difficult for them to train them to become dangerously aggressive.

  3. The biggest idiot in Huddersfield doesn't appear to wear a uniform.Unless tin-foil hats count obviously.

  4. Huddersfield Chief Superintendent, Steve Rotter, who faces continued criticism for failing to protect the public, lashed back at critics today with: "This dog has form and we arrested it eight weeks ago on related charges. We kicked it in the van and starved it in the kennels. We taunted this mongrel mutt for eight weeks and it never bit our handlers. We would have more success arresting dangerous owners, but it's the government's's another fine mess they have 'gotten' me into."

  5. Clairvoyant neighbours? or was the geezer carrying the rifle dressed like a Met Ninja with 'marksman' stencilled on his body armour.

    Would it only have been a farmer/poacher/terrorist with a rifle if they had the appropriate insignia crayoned on the back of their barbour/camo/rags.

    Just would be handy to know for when i next see a dodgy geezer carrying a rifle.


  6. “She was fine until she did this.”

    So was Peter Sutcliffe until he killed his first victim.

  7. "It puzzles me that a dog is judged dangerous or not by it's breed."

    Why? Size and known temperament have a lot to do with it. If my neighbour mistreats his Jack Russell or chihuahua, and it goes for me, I can drop-kick the little bastard back over the fence.

    One of the bigger bull breeds? I'd need a boar spear to stand a chance.

    "Clairvoyant neighbours? or was the geezer carrying the rifle dressed like a Met Ninja with 'marksman' stencilled on his body armour."

    Undoubtedly. Once they'd located the resident who could read, they were all certain... ;)

    "So was Peter Sutcliffe until he killed his first victim."

    The description from one of the neighbours of the owner returning and using a command word (the neighbour said 'Ross', but I suspect it was 'Raus', or maybe 'Loss') to get the beast to release indicates it was trained to attack and only release on command.

    The police dog unit should have been all over this behaviour as highly suspect. This thing was not a pet. It was a four-legged zombie knife.

    Let's hope questions are asked by other police teams as to just why this creature was needed.
