Monday 8 August 2016

So Why Is c2c Rail Ltd Not In The Dock With Him..?

The panicking friends pleaded for station staff to let them in to pour water on their burns but workers turned them away.
Mr Dick said: 'They sought help from a gentleman from the staff of the station but he would not let them in to wash their faces.
'It was only later when the ambulance and police arrived were they able to get treatment.'
Those first few minutes were vital. What were the staff thinking? Why are they not being prosecuted for this?

The c2c Rail's webpage 'Vision and Values':

I think that's a 'Fail!', don't you, c2c Rail..?


  1. Obviously good kids that would obey an authority figure like the station staff. I'm afraid if it had been me I wouldn't have been so accepting.

    Sorry M'lud it won't happen again I kicked the crap out of him because I felt the acid burning my face off and he was not willing to help as any normal human would have done.
    That OK then son. Case dismissed.

    If I was these kids I'd be sueing C2C.
    1) they have money.
    2) The waste of space and air doesn't and never will have.
    3) There is a bit of liability as it was on their property where they ban self defence and any weapons to defend yourself with.

  2. Throat punch. Never hear from him again..

  3. It took a look time before we got the full story of this appalling act. I have only just found out that the attacker was part of a twenty strong mob who were on the train.

    The Essex towns that were recently full of exiled Londoners are being ghettoised.

    Btw Did any local politician mention the incident?

  4. "Obviously good kids that would obey an authority figure like the station staff."

    Authority figures should command respect. I'm afraid c2c staff just lost mine...

    " I have only just found out that the attacker was part of a twenty strong mob who were on the train.

    The Essex towns that were recently full of exiled Londoners are being ghettoised."

    Yup, just 8-10 years ago, Southend was a pleasant place, if a bit cheap and tacky. Now, it's closeness to London has not had a good effect. I wouldn't ride a c2c train after 6:00pm.
