Wednesday 10 August 2016

The Acceptable Face Of Racism...

The backlash has been brutal, unforgiving and, in common with the left’s reactions to so many things, almost hysterical in its hot-blooded fury. My crime? Starbucks shares? Casual racism? Advocating military action in North Korea? No, I have just bought a puppy, a pedigree puppy — and not just any pedigree, but an aristocratic-looking Cavalier King Charles spaniel — the apotheosis of canine privilege.
‘That dog looks very posh… what’s wrong with a mongrel?’ ‘I’m shocked and disgusted…’ ‘Why didn’t you get a rescue dog… disgraceful… you are encouraging selective breeding…’.
Dear god. These people are insane.
Colleagues and friends have accused me of abandoning my longstanding centre-left principles in favour of eugenics, arrivisme and trying to suck up to the ruling classes. In the fetid atmosphere of dog-whistle Pavlovian politics, I am now an Uncle Tom, a sell-out, a class traitor and a bourgeois apologist — simply not worthy of Commissar Corbyn and the modern, progressive Labour party.
Might I suggest you find new colleagues and friends? It should be quite easy, now you have a puppy!
Why else might the otherwise charming Melvyn Bragg, a Labour peer, completely ignore her on Hampstead Heath when we paused for a chat? And why, when sitting at an adjacent table to us in a local café, did my local Labour MP, former DPP Sir Keir Starmer, seem so snooty and sniffy? He, too, ignored her.
Wow! If Starmer & Bragg ignore you when you have a dog, everyone should get one!


  1. "Dear god. These people are insane."

    Who? The person writing it; having found nothing decent to write about this week to earn his coppers he uses others' self-delusional angst about his choice of pet to get some money out of the Speccy because he is being, himself, `triggered` by their comments (as evidenced by his hyperbolic rhetoric in the opening sentence?)

    Or the people who he's writing about?

    Personally I'd go for both groups.

    #GenerationSnowflake - now out of university and in your newspaper writing... <looks at section> "Features"? WTF?

  2. Lynne at Counting Cats10 August 2016 at 18:28

    I have a Springer Spaniel. I have had a series of them over the decades. So far I haven't been approached and accused of being a capitalist running dog (sic) or a toff. Were anyone to do so I would give them my stock answer to such nonsense - F*ck off!

  3. I don't know about dog licences but people like this prove that there should be licencing in order to be allowed to go online. I'm actually slightly worried that I am living on the same landmass as this cretinous organism

  4. @Lynne: " So far I haven't been approached and accused of being a capitalist running dog (sic) or a toff"

    Ah - but the salient point from the article - do you have "north London friends and colleagues" to hector you on your racist (oops - I meant) cynophobic attitude towards non-pure-bred dogs?

    If not, I fear you may be safe from the denizens of the current politically correct climate change I fear we are in the grip of.


    Poe can never be far away from this sort of thing, can he?

  5. Apart from Mrs OR I've yet to find a more dear creature on earth than our 5 Dobermanns over our 34 years together. We could do worse than breed better people!

  6. John M, this cretinous organism not only has the same vote as us, it also has the power of influence. This landmass is becoming a cretinous place, or maybe is already. Where to go to escape it? USA? Nah. New Zealand? God, don't even go there, having sold out to the Maori they are now selling what's left to the Chinese quicker than May is learning how to kowtow. It's all rather depressing.

  7. Lynne at Counting Cats11 August 2016 at 09:09

    PJH Not a Londoner, thank the stars and the sky they shine in.

    Phew that was a close call...

  8. "Personally I'd go for both groups. "

    Good point. A plague (of fleas) on both their houses.

    "Were anyone to do so I would give them my stock answer to such nonsense - F*ck off!"

    But is that just because you don't have a newspaper column ready for some passive aggression? ;)

    "...people like this prove that there should be licencing in order to be allowed to go online."

    I hope I'd be able to meet those conditions!

    "We could do worse than breed better people!"

    Sadly, we're breeding from the runts.

    "Where to go to escape it? USA? Nah. New Zealand? God, don't even go there, having sold out to the Maori they are now selling what's left to the Chinese quicker than May is learning how to kowtow. "

    That won't please Bill Sticker!
