Thursday 11 August 2016

'Training' Won't Fix This...

Abigail Holt, for Kioko, said her client had undergone training during 2015 and could offer several positive references and testimonials regarding her work.
So, did she misunderstand a procedure? Fail to follow a set of instructions?
Hearing chairman Robin Somerville said: “The panel has seen evidence that, over a number of shifts on separate days, you demonstrated a lack of concern, empathy and compassion towards Resident A.”
That's not something that you can train into people. They either have it, or they don't.

And do we really want nurses that don't have it?


  1. Lynne at Counting Cats11 August 2016 at 10:08

    Care homes (and hospitals) seem to attract these sociopathic types judging by the amount of stories that have been in the headlines over the last few years. I wouldn't like to put any relative of mine into a care home.

  2. Off topic but Blackburn suddenly got more interesting than I had previously imagined

  3. Achieving professional accreditation and status isn't like getting a tattoo: you don't go out on the piss one night and wake up the next morning as a doctor, nurse or social worker.

    This woman's shortcomings will have been apparent over many years to a large number of people, any one of whom could have refused to give her an undeserved pass mark for a task or piece of work, or reported her, or found some way to raise concern. But far too many of them say nothing and allow these sub-standard sociopaths to infest our public sector.

    I understand that taking a stand can lead to trouble, all sorts of counter-accusations and so on, but what price a clear conscience?

  4. I'm trying to work out why you have tagged this NHS when it seems the care home was run by a private agency called 'Embrace' at the time of the incident. A cursory google search on my part shows that there had been adverse CQC reports when it was run by an outfit called 'European Care ltd'. No mention of it being run by the NHS there I feel. I will happily stand corrected if you can show me otherwise.
    I realise you absolutely detest the NHS and everyone who works for it but this is the private sector not doing a very good job. The nurse was employed via an agency and I would ask the question where did she originally qualify as a nurse? Such people generally find it easy to flit from job to job as names/dates of birth/ addresses are not easily checked and the home is happy for holes to be filled.

  5. "Care homes (and hospitals) seem to attract these sociopathic types..."

    I'm tempted to say 'pay peanuts, get monkeys' but.... ;)

    "...Blackburn suddenly got more interesting than I had previously imagined "


    "This woman's shortcomings will have been apparent over many years to a large number of people..."

    None of whom want to be accused of racism, I expect...

    "I'm trying to work out why you have tagged this NHS when it seems the care home was run by a private agency..."

    You think it's not part of the NHS because of this? You think it receives no money from them, is never recommended to relatives by them?

    "The nurse was employed via an agency and I would ask the question where did she originally qualify as a nurse? "

    Probably not in this country.
