Friday 26 August 2016

This Could Prove Interesting....

A Northampton taxi company is now offering a service in which it can pick up customers and their four-legged friends - despite most of its drivers voting against the idea.
It will, of course, cost. But not much.
Bounds Taxis, which is based next to North Gate bus station, says it canvassed all of its 350 drivers over the idea of allowing dogs in their cars, and that 15 per cent (52) agreed.
As a result, the firm says it will now be carrying out the 'dog friendly service' at a charge of £3 per fare, although only the drivers which agreed will be offering to do so.
Now, if everyone in Northampton asks for this service - whether they have a dog or not - I think the other 85% of the staff might just get the message...


  1. My limited experience of dogs tells me that they spend much of their time cleaning themselves. I am told that they are very clean animals. If dogs could be offended they would surely take offence at being called unclean by people hailing from toilet paper free zones.

  2. And you will be there to help clean all the hair off the seats will you? AP?

  3. "My limited experience of dogs tells me that they spend much of their time cleaning themselves. "

    I think that's cats, actually!

    "And you will be there to help clean all the hair off the seats will you?"

    When I get a taxi of that type (minicab), the last thing I'll be worrying about is a bit of dog hair!

  4. Does this affect their policy towards "assistance dogs", I wonder?
