Tuesday 27 September 2016

Presumably, 'Getting Up Off It To Earn An Honest Living'...?

Mr Gordon read out a letter from Lewis-Barnes’ mother, Joan Lewis, pleading for leniency.
She said she depended on her son because she had problems with her back.
£5000 of drugs buys a lot of chiropracty...
Judge Samantha Leigh said she had given some credit to Lewis-Barnes thanks to the letter.
Lewis-Barnes was jailed for two years and six months, while Burrett was given an 18 month prison sentence, suspended for two years.
She was also ordered to complete a thinking skills programme and 100 hours of unpaid work.
She's 19, and clearly hasn't started doing any thinking yet...


  1. What the heck is a "thinking skills programme". A lobotomy?

  2. "A thinking skills programme". Have my doubts that such a course would benefit as either people are rational and have a modicum of common sense or they do not. However if they do work then I suggest a large proportion of the population should attend them. Especially left leaning politicians. As for the likes of Corbyn I believe that would be just a waste of effort as some are definitely beyond help. Logic and reason will never be attributes they would understand let alone find use for.

  3. For years, women have demanded equality with men but when it comes to crime, who gets the custodial sentence and who gets the suspended, with a thinking skills course? Selective gender treatment methinks.

  4. "...She was also ordered to complete a thinking skills programme..."

    Not much point when they apparently lack the required equipment.

  5. "What the heck is a "thinking skills programme". A lobotomy?"

    The surgeon would need to be incredibly skilled!

    "Selective gender treatment methinks."

    Indeed. I see I missed the tag 'Pussy pass'.

    "Not much point when they apparently lack the required equipment."

    We should train up some of Terry Pratchett's 'thinking brain' dogs!
