Tuesday 27 September 2016

Wow! Car Valeting Pays Better Than I Thought..!

Stephen Sparks, prosecuting, told the court the self-employed car valeter was then approached by a security guard.
He said: “The defendant was challenged with a request for him to move his vehicle.
“At this stage he became angry and said: ‘Let’s have it’. He was being aggressive and getting in the officer’s personal space.
“He starts swearing and says he has ADHD and is going to ‘flip out’.
“Families and customers were watching. The police attend and he swears when they are in attendance.”
He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, clearly. Pretty fertile, though!
Roger Neild, mitigating, said Kalyan was “ashamed” and “sorry” for his actions but that he had been “exasperated” at not being able to find a parking space.
He said: “It was a very hot day. He had driven all the way from his home in Ilford with his partner and six children and no air conditioning.”
Probably couldn't afford a car with aircon, supporting six kids on a car valet's salary... /sarc
Kalyan was fined £160 and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £30 victim surcharge.
Going to have to wash a lot of Ford Escorts, isn't he?

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