Friday 25 November 2016

A Police State Administered By Essex Police?

Capital idea! What could go wrong?
Mark Flewitt, councillor responsible for public protection in Southend, is demanding a curfew is imposed in York Road after two men were left in a serious condition following a double stabbing last week.
York Road is notorious. It ought to be twinned with Mos Eisley Spaceport. And the instigator of this stabbing is probably from London. So a curfew makes no sense!

Why can't the police keep order, such that a curfew isn't necessary, anyway?
A mobile police station, which was set up to offer reassurance to concerned residents, was set alight on Saturday night.
He said details of the curfew, which would ban residents from leaving their homes during set times, will need to be finalised by Essex Police.
Mr Flewitt has asked Police and Crime Commissioner Roger Hirst to support his request.
I doubt even he's dim enough for this...! Seriously, who thinks a curfew is proportionate and reasonable?
Both men are expected to make a full recover (sic) but detectives are still hunting their attackers.
One of the victims was found outside a caravan which was raided by the drugs squad weeks earlier, leading to three arrests.
The Echo can reveal the caravan has now moved near Seaway car park, in Lucy Road, with police monitoring activity around it.
Like they were monitoring their mobile station? Well, I'm reassured, aren't you?


  1. The entire county is plagued with a totally abject nest of double-dealing dross...and that's just the police. What could possibly go wrong by combining an explosive mixture of ignorance with irresponsible authority?

  2. As far as I am aware there is no power to allow the police to impose a general curfew. I believe there are powers to impose a youth curfew, i.e under 15's but these are for specific areas and require police L/A co-operation. The power to impose curfews is a kite that is always flown after serious disorder. I file it under ''things to be thrown out to appease people and then quietly dropped'.
    As our current PM and ex Home Secretary doesn't even like police exercising the power to stop and search a power to impose a curfew wouldn't get off the ground and would, in any event, require far more disorder than happened in this case. Imposing a curfew will need a lot of boots on the ground and is impracticable, after all a lot of people need to be out and about at all hours to go about their business.
    It's just another councillor trying to look tough and a lot of the public will lap up the guff he has spouted.
    Me? I'm just sitting back and watching everything unravel very slowly.

  3. I suppose the consolation is that Essex Police would be utterly useless at administering anything resembling a police state.

  4. Where's Snake Plissken when you need him?

  5. The kind of curfew these merchants need is one that starts at 5am tomorrow and ends at 8pm in 15 years time.

  6. "As far as I am aware there is no power to allow the police to impose a general curfew. "

    They have other options these days, short of that. It'd be nice if they tried them, once or twice.

    "I suppose the consolation is that Essex Police would be utterly useless at administering anything resembling a police state."

    Yup! :D

    "Where's Snake Plissken when you need him?"

    Hmmm, let's play a little game of 'Prittlewell Rules'... ;)

    "The kind of curfew these merchants need is one that starts at 5am tomorrow and ends at 8pm in 15 years time."

    I think Singapore could show us the way here.
