Thursday 24 November 2016

I, I, I, Me, Me, Me....

Recently, I was in one of my weekly surgeries giving advice to local constituents when a man who was in a state of some distress leaned down to get something out of a holdall. I began to panic.
It might be irrational, but since Jo Cox was murdered I have this feeling frequently. This week a local church called about my annual address at the Christmas carol concert. Every year I do a reading, never before have they called and asked me if they need to arrange a discreet police presence for my safety.
In reality, if I were to undergo a risk assessment every day, my threat level is probably no more than it ever was. I comfort myself that the still unbelievable tragedy was a freak incident. Yet I still cannot shake the feeling that in our country – and across the world – there is a rising tide of hate that mean events such as Jo’s murder are more likely.
Yes, that's Jess Phillips, once again making a story of a murder somehow all about her.

And whining, in a national newspaper column, that she's 'afraid to speak her mind'. Such as it is. Truly, if it wasn't for low standards, these Labour MPs would have no standards at all...


  1. It appears to me that those who are dedicated to left wing ideologies have a very large chip on their shoulders or have the arrogance of a demigod. Quite often both. I suspect she falls into the both category. Chip on their shoulder because they believe they are very hard done by and the world owes them a living. Demigod because they believe there is no need for debate because their opinion is irrefutable. We on the right disagree so we are considered lesser mortals with no virtues or ethics. So we must be taught to be like them or be considered being of less worth. Reminds me of Islam me thinks or Christianity before the enlightenment.

  2. She should be scared. I would be in her situation. The nutter that shot Jo Cox said something about not having a voice if I remember correctly. Isn't she one of those denying us our voice and giving us no legal options to address this treason.

    Not everyone is like us and just pushing through what route we can. My own MP has said he will wait and see what is proposed. Useless the lot of them and I for one won't be bothered if any of them gets it. Won't do it myself, too much to lose, but there are many out there that are patriots.

  3. I like that last sentence.
    It could be in a song.
    Maybe by Cream.

  4. Welcome to the real world. Left-wingers going easy on crime for far too long and now they are having second thoughts. Good.

  5. I read the Guardian article and it's clear that we need more MPs like Jo Cox and fewer narcissists like Jess Stone.

  6. What a weakling! In this uncertain world we need strong leaders. Leaders who are prepared to stand up to tyrants, to look the devil in the eye and say NO. This example were herself at her own constituency surgery? Send her to Moscow, Vlad would enjoy the sport.

  7. I know just what this poor lady means. Jeremy Corbyn, Dianne Abbott, Tony Blair - the monsters still lurk among us.

  8. John M. "I read the Guardian article and it's clear that we need more MPs like Jo Cox..."

    No one should be summarily executed in the streets but if there were ever to be trials of quislings then she should have been near the front of the queue.

    St Jo of Darfur never saw a Muslim she didn't want to prostrate herself before but didn't give a toss about the underage "kufir" girls being raped in neighbouring constituencies (and almost certainly in her own, but she sure wasn't going to try to find out).

  9. "She should be scared. I would be in her situation."

    I think she knows the odds. That's why she isn't really scared, no matter what she claims.

    "Left-wingers going easy on crime for far too long and now they are having second thoughts. Good."

    But she's not 'having second thoughts'. She clearly isn't prepared to change a thing.

    "In this uncertain world we need strong leaders."

    We're out of luck!

    "St Jo of Darfur never saw a Muslim she didn't want to prostrate herself before but didn't give a toss about the underage "kufir" girls being raped in neighbouring constituencies..."

    Spot on! Political assassination isn't the answer, but not electing idiots most certainly is...
