Friday 23 December 2016

On The Twelfth Day Of Brexit, The Metro 'Letters' Page Gave To Me…

...people wanting a do-over!

Also fevered nationalist dreamers, clueless stroppy youngsters, sensible levelheaded folk, bitter hysterical Remainers, judicial activism cheerleaders, wild Utopian dreamers, readers cottoning on, dire 'racism' predictions, touching faith in 'experts', stroppy democracy deniers and baffled angry voters.


  1. It was very naughty of us Brexiteers to promise 350 million squid a week to the NHS if we left the EU. However that was small beer compared to the promises of doom and disasters made by the remainers. Brexiteers are not daft we know good news sells better than bad. In the aftermath the remainers did indeed own up to the fact that they were telling a load of porkies and it was only electioneering whilst still decrying Brexiteers minor deception. It appears all is fair in war and electioneering as long as only one side does it and that is not ours.

    However this comment by Val does point to the fact that they were and are still being believed. Nobody knows what the consequences of Brexit will be until after the event of leaving. Being a Brexiteer I am optimistic but regardless of that I know it is right because "I want my country back". To quote from an American TV series where an American is fighting to take back America from the Japanese and the Germans who are occupying it. The name of which escapes me but the sentiment I approve of as we are now fighting against German, Brussels and French hegemony.

  2. A Merry Christmas in Dublin (EU land) . You will not see this in the METRO .

  3. Lynne at Counting Cats24 December 2016 at 15:14

    Merry Christmas, Julia. Keep right on doing what you do best. Sticking it to the bleeders.

  4. Since when has the NHS been short of cash? Each successive government has thrown shedloads of money at it in the certain knowledge that doing so will be a vote winner. There seems to be this assumption that if the NHS is providing a piss poor service, it must be because of lack of funds. Nothing to do with it being effectively a nationalised industry then?


  5. Let’s ask the Remoaners who voted for mass immigration.

  6. "It was very naughty of us Brexiteers to promise 350 million squid a week to the NHS if we left the EU. "

    The way it was worded didn't make it 'a promise'.

    "You will not see this in the METRO ."

    Indeed not... :/

    "Keep right on doing what you do best. Sticking it to the bleeders."

    I'll try ;)

    "Since when has the NHS been short of cash?"

    Maybe when it was first set up. Certainly not today.
