Saturday 24 December 2016

Without One Of These, It Just Wouldn't Be Christmas!

I'm talking, of course, about 'outrage over kiddiewinks being told Santa isn't real!' stories:
Children at Prince Avenue Primary School, in Hornby Avenue, Westcliff, are rehearsing “Gimme, Gimme, Gimme” for their Christmas performance.
The play features two spoiled children who expect to get everything they want for Christmas, but are taught that not everyone has such a wonderful Christmas as them.
However, parents are concerned that the play includes lines suggesting that Santa is not real, as it makes reference to parents dressing up as him to deliver their presents.
A parent, whose four year old daughter attends the school, was appalled by the choice of play.
He said: “Thankfully my daughter hasn’t said anything about it yet, but another parent said that while they were Christmas shopping, their child asked if Father Christmas was real.
“It broke the parent’s heart to hear their child ask that.
“My daughter will hear the children singing the songs about him not existing.
“It is not acceptable that they are performing this play.
“I am disgusted.”
A piece of coal for the snowflake! Bring on the mince pies, and let's get this holiday on the road!


  1. Never mind, the BBC had a whole section this morning demonstrating scientifically how he can get around the whole world in one night... Sheesh!

  2. Lynne at Counting Cats24 December 2016 at 15:09

    Strange. How are the poor things going to react when they discover the AGW fairy doesn't exist?

  3. "...the BBC had a whole section this morning demonstrating scientifically how he can get around the whole world in one night..."

    Well, they have to cater to their audience. Which, these days, is mainly children!

    "How are the poor things going to react when they discover the AGW fairy doesn't exist?"

    They'll never be told that by our State Broadcaster, that's for sure...
