Thursday 8 December 2016

They'd Be Better Off In Care...

A mother who claimed £47,600 in benefits illegally over six years has cried out in protest "My kids! Please!" as she was jailed.
Should probably jail them as well. It'll save time in the future, with role models like these...
The court had heard how Hill had started claiming benefits in 2005, at which point she was living as a single mother of one child and making her claim legally.
In 2009 her boyfriend, Richard Grant, moved in and he registered his business at the address and the couple had two children together, The Leicester Mercury reports.
James Bide-Thomas, prosecuting, told the court: "When she was interviewed she appeared to have made admissions of her understanding of the benefits system."
He added that Hill had previous convictions including robbery and a public order offence.
What a shocker!
Fernando Rodriguez, representing Hill, said his client had a long-standing drug and alcohol problem and that Mr Grant also had his "own problems with addiction".
Another surprise!
"She has entered guilty pleas as early as she could and is repaying at £50 a month with all parties in the household on benefits."
I'm no longer surprised. Paying it all back'll take .... *counts on fingers* ....



  1. I make it 79 years, excluding any interest added to the debt.

    Today's teenagers might see the headline, "World's oldest woman finishes paying debt" in 2095!

  2. They should just stop all her benefits. Every single penny.

    You'd only have to make an example of a few of them before the others stop defrauding the taxpayer.

    Society should not owe thieving shits like this a single penny. Put the kids into the care system, and as for Hill - f**k her.

  3. moved in

    That, in the end, is all there was in it. Had he lived elsewhere and had two children with her, then except for chasing him for a pathetic bit of maintenance, the entitlement would be the same.

    Imperfect though they both are, this fraud produced two children living with their biological parents, albeit without the benefit of matrimony. Only today we are not really allowed to say that it is better that the parents are married, even though it is.

    I would rather let them keep the benefit but only on condition that they got married and dealt with their problems. At least we'd get a stable family for our money.

  4. "At least we'd get a stable family for our money."
    No we wouldn't. We would still have a dysfunctional couple, albeit married, happy in the knowledge that they have successfully conned a large amount of money from you and me. With this example, their kids are likely to grow up believing that this is the way to behave. I'm afraid I agree with John M. Stop all benefits, put the kids into care unless the feckless father can show he's capable of looking after them, and still send her to prison. Who on earth does she think she is, claiming money she's not entitled to? A Member of Parliament?

  5. Should probably jail them as well. It'll save time in the future, with role models like these...


  6. Irredeemable folk rarely change, oxymoron notwithstanding. If we cut off their benefit, they will probably turn to crime rather than seek gainful employment. As these buggers are invariably stupid, they will get caught thus squandering good taxpayer's gelt as they parade through the justice system. It might seem a tad harsh, but a couple of lethal injections and a state paid funeral is a cost effective alternative.

  7. "Today's teenagers might see the headline, "World's oldest woman finishes paying debt" in 2095!"

    *grinds teeth*

    "Society should not owe thieving shits like this a single penny."

    Indeed, it doesn't. But do-gooders keep shovelling it into her bank account!

    "Imperfect though they both are, this fraud produced two children living with their biological parents..."

    ...learning it's OK to defraud the government, amongst other things? Great start in life, as Penseivat points out..

    "Should probably jail them as well. It'll save time in the future, with role models like these..."

    It won't be long. They probably aren't ten yet.

    "It might seem a tad harsh, but a couple of lethal injections and a state paid funeral is a cost effective alternative."

    It doesn't seem harsh at all.
