Thursday 8 December 2016

Welcome To The World Of The #Cyclopath...

...where some people's views that you'd be better off wearing reflective clothing are illegal.

Truly, they walk pedal furiously amongst us!


  1. The BBC tells us that cyclists are demanding the right of way over motorised vehicles turning left. They are not prepared to observe the "I am turning left indicator light" on the vehicle and either hold back or overtake on the outside as us lesser mortals do. Oh no they want the vehicle turning left to hold back whilst they overtake on the inside and have safely passed it. Some other countries have adopted this practice apparently and it is being taken seriously in ours. From which I can only conclude that the whole world is slowly sinking into insanity or that I have already arrived at that point and I am seeing a world of my own hallucinatory concoction.

  2. Re the posting above. You do not have the 'right' as a driver of a motorised vehicle to overtake a cyclist and turn left in front of them forcing them to stop whilst you complete your turn. If you are that close to a junction and there is a cyclist in front of you the sensible option would be to wait until the cyclist has crossed the junction and then turn left, likewise if a car is turning left in front of you and you are cycling then don't undertake any reckless manoeuvres. The cyclist has the same rights (and obligations) as any other road user. I would imagine you would be quite annoyed if you were driving a car and someone overtook you and then turned immediately left in front of you forcing to stop. I will admit to being an occasional cyclist, I find that by observing the rules of the road and treating other road users with courtesy and consideration I avoid needless confrontation. I would add that the general standard of driving in this country is appalling and where I live I daily witness incidents of brainless behaviour by motorists.
    All I can say to you is don't go the Netherlands. As you plainly don't like anyone on a bicycle your head would explode over there.

  3. "Some other countries have adopted this practice apparently and it is being taken seriously in ours. From which I can only conclude that the whole world is slowly sinking into insanity..."

    It started slowly. I fear it's now accelerating to takeoff speed.

    "The cyclist has the same rights (and obligations) as any other road user."

    Including stopping at red lights?

    " I would add that the general standard of driving in this country is appalling..."

    And getting worse.
