Friday 30 December 2016

This Is What They Have To Do!

The woman called police when she tried to hang herself after drinking while her husband was out walking their 10-month-old daughter.
She said she was arrested, carried out in handcuffs and leg restraints and put face down in a police van. She then claims female officers pinned her down while her clothes and jewellery were removed in a police cell in Crowhurst Road, Brighton, in 2012.
Yup, well, if you're claiming to be suicidal, of course they are going to make sure you've got nothing on you than can be used to self-harm. It's a no-brainer.
She was left naked and crying on the cell floor with a blanket to cover her before being released without charge 11 hours later.
The ordeal, captured on CCTV, triggered horrific memories of being gang-raped as a teenager, she claimed.
Apart from any actual rape.
The woman, from Brighton, told the national newspaper: "Losing control and having to beg people to stop puts you in a position of absolute weakness and vulnerability.
"My motivation for speaking out is both to stand up against the ill-treatment I personally received, but also to help prevent others from experiencing similar incidents."
Nope, they'd do the same. They have to. They'd be crucified otherwise, if some nutcase manages to off themselves with their clothing...
Michael Oswald, of Bhatt Murphy Solicitors, who is representing the woman, said: "It is incomprehensible police officers forcibly stripped her naked despite her mental state and being told she was a rape victim."
You're an idiot. At least she's a headcase. What's your excuse?


  1. "But also to help prevent others from experiencing similar incidents"

    What, by telling them not to get pissed and then calling the police saying you're going to commit suicide?

  2. I would suggest that Michael Oswald knows the woman is a nutter but, being on legal aid, will keep the charade going for as long as possible and suck even more from the public purse. What is missing when you have 10 lawyers up to their necks in sand? More sand!

  3. I am a Police Custody Sgt. I would do exactly the same with a suicidal person under those circumstances. Given I am likely to be investigated and criticised either way, I would rather it be for hurting someone's feelings, than assisting their death. I am not an expert in mental health, so all I can do in this situation is reduce the risk, and call upon mental health services to give support. The police are open about their decision making and record it. I will read the IPCC report, we may tweak a few things, but remember this, the Lady called the Police as she felt she had nowhere else to turn. The Police clearly assisted in preventing her from killing herself. I am pleased she is alive to raise this complaint. There is an awful lot wrong with our society, but this was a positive result.

  4. She was left naked and crying on the cell floor with a blanket to cover her before being released without charge 11 hours later.

    Natalia Imbruglia: Torn

  5. "What, by telling them not to get pissed and then calling the police saying you're going to commit suicide?"

    Heh! If only.

    "... but, being on legal aid, will keep the charade going for as long as possible..."

    Oh, of course! I'm paying. :/

    "I am pleased she is alive to raise this complaint. There is an awful lot wrong with our society, but this was a positive result."

    I'm not. Frankly, I don't want to be milked forever by useless eaters and their parasites.

    "Natalia Imbruglia: Torn"

