Friday 30 December 2016

What Good Would 'Support Services' Have Done?

Rebecca Harris, Tory MP for Castle Point, used Kelly’s case as she pleaded for change in the Commons over domestic violence laws at the second reading of a Private Member’s Bill.
MPs were debating whether to ratify the Istanbul Convention, an international treaty on domestic and sexual violence, aiming to improve protection for victims. It would increase the availability of support services for people who experience domestic and sexual abuse.
So did Kelly die because she needed vital 'support services' and didn't get any?
Kelly Pearce, 36, was stabbed in the face and neck 40 times by Anthony Ayres in November last year and died after suffered skull and brain damage in the assault.
Anthony Ayres was convicted by a jury at Chelmsford Crown Court in July for the murder of his partner, and given a full life sentence.
Ayres was already a convicted killer after strangling his girlfriend in 1993.
Ah. No. Kelly died because she decided to shack up with a convicted killer. Who'd been released by the same State now demanding taxpayers stump up for talking shops.


  1. " It would increase the availability of support services for people who experience domestic and sexual abuse."

    I'm sure we'll find that "people" is a deliberate lie and that abused men will continue to get FA support.
    Unless you class being arrested even when they aren't the ones at fault as "support".

  2. In 2014, more than 800 men suffered from domestic violence by their wives/partners, one living in my village. When he finally got the Police to take action, he was told by social services to leave the marital home and find other accommodation (at his own expense). Apart from medical treatment for his injuries, he received no official support and cannot even return to the house he is still paying the mortgagee on to see his children as the SS have obtained a court order from him seeing them or making contact as it may have an adverse effect on his wife's demeanour.

  3. I must have been in a coma when the word 'Conservative' had its meaning changed.

  4. "I'm sure we'll find that "people" is a deliberate lie and that abused men will continue to get FA support. "

    Of that, I have no doubt.

    "...cannot even return to the house he is still paying the mortgagee on to see his children as the SS have obtained a court order from him seeing them or making contact ..."


    "I must have been in a coma when the word 'Conservative' had its meaning changed."

    Me too. Growing up in the Eighties, I never realised how lucky I was.
