Friday 6 January 2017

Don't Strain Yourselves, Officers...

A woman was let off with a police caution after her out-of-control Rottweiler savaged a poodle and bit a man on his hands.
Courier Craig Kitchen, 36, who lives on Canvey, said he was delivering a parcel near Christchurch Park when he noticed a Rottweiler trying to push through the gate to get at two poodles being walked by a woman in her 60s.
He said: “It managed to push the gate open and charged out at some speed. It grabbed one of the poodles and swung it around like a killer whale with a seal pup.
“A couple of guys came running over and tried to do everything they could to get it off. They were punching and kicking it and one guy had his hands in its mouth. The dog left him with wounds on both his hands.
“From what I could see, the poodle had lost about 20 per cent of its flesh from its back, you couldn’t see any skin or fur, it was just raw.
“The owner was screaming. The poor woman had obviously just decided to take her dogs for a walk but it turned into something from a horror film.
Well, maybe the police gave the woman credit for her actions in trying to prevent the...

Mr Kitchen said the owner of the Rottweiler made no effort to get her dog off the poodle and tried to walk away after the attack.
He said: “She acted as if nothing had happened. When it started happening she just strolled over casually, she was in no rush to get her animal off the other one.
“If people have these dogs then they have to be able to control them. She should be taken to court and given a custodial.”
She should be. But, luckily for her, she lives within the jurisdiction of the fabulously incompetent Essex Police farce...
An Essex Police spokesman said : “A woman in her 50s has been given a police caution after a man was bitten by a dog in Southend.
“Officers were called to Christchurch Road at about 11am Monday after reports a man had been bitten.
“Witnesses stated the man had been injured trying to separate to dogs (sic).
“He suffered a cut to his hand."
I think that's called 'a bite'.

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