Friday 6 January 2017

Lambs To The Slaughter...

The area he's talking about? Stratford.

Do the people who flock to live in these new builds only ever look at the glossy brochure the estate agent shows them? Do they never look around the area, read the local paper?


  1. It's nothing new. In the 1980's when I was posted to Peckham a developer built some very nice flats near the North Peckham Estate. It was advertised as being only 10-15 minutes from the City and West End. It was extensively advertised in local newspapers in Kent and East Surrey, not for some reason, in the local press. The record time for moving out was set by someone who moved in at a weekend and had her flat on the market again by the following weekend. She found the vibrancy of Peckham too much for her. I think Peckham has changed now and more hipsters have moved in. Strangely enough there were some really nice Victorian and Edwardian properties in the area which would fetch a very good price elsewhere. Gentrification? having worked somewhere that was at times akin to a war zone I'm all for it.

  2. Nice Mr Pierrepoint6 January 2017 at 19:51

    I am sorry to hear of what happened to them - productive, law-abiding preyed on by parasites. 'Gentrification' is misnamed, because what it involves in the case of an area like Hackney is an increase in the number of normal people relative to dysfunctional people. It should be called 'normalisation'.

  3. No descriptions or photofits then? It must have been too dark.

  4. Lynne at Counting Cats7 January 2017 at 16:35

    Nice Mr P already said what I was thinking.

  5. So where was local plod? Sitting comfortably somewhere monitoring Farcebook for hate crimes, glad to live in times when crime prevention by foot patrol has vanished. (Coppers have got shorter and fatter in the interim.)

  6. "The record time for moving out was set by someone who moved in at a weekend and had her flat on the market again by the following weekend. She found the vibrancy of Peckham too much for her."


    " 'Gentrification' is misnamed, because what it involves in the case of an area like Hackney is an increase in the number of normal people relative to dysfunctional people. It should be called 'normalisation'."

    Spot on! Unfortunately, the ratio isn't decreasing fast enough.

    "No descriptions or photofits then? It must have been too dark."


    "...glad to live in times when crime prevention by foot patrol has vanished."

    I doubt they'd walk down those streets unless armed.
