Tuesday 24 January 2017

Don't You Feel Enriched, Lewisham..?

Following the attack the café owner spoke of his horror after his family were put in hospital following the attack by “more than 50 teenagers”.
Aziz Garip owns the Centre Café Shop in Lewisham but wasn’t at the cafe when the teenagers showed up.
Mr Garip said: “My wife and my son were attacked and were put in hospital.
“In more than 13 years I have never had anything like this happen.”
Except he has...
“Six or seven months ago they came inside and attacked me but not like this. This time it was a lot more. It felt like all of the school showed up.
Yes, it seems they turn up to do this while in school uniform. Well, why not? It's not like anyone is likely to expect any discipline from the school, any more than from any other authority figure.
Three officers were also injured during the incident. One female officer suffered a broken wrist, one male officer suffered a dislocated shoulder, and one male PC suffered a cut to his arm.
Probably because they were about as much use as the Avon & Somerset cops in the posts at Tim Worstall's blog and Tim Newman's blog.
Three boys - aged 16, 15 and 14 - and a 14-year-old girl, were arrested on suspicion of affray and criminal damage to a nearby café. A second girl was also arrested on suspicion of affray and criminal damage and further arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm.
All those arrested were taken into custody at a south London police station and have since been released on bail until dates in late March pending further enquiries.
Enquiries by Lewisham Borough officers into the circumstances of the incident are ongoing.
Are they trying to find if there's some way they can blame the cafe owner for inciting the little darlings, I wonder?


  1. The quaint American custom of keeping a short-barrelled pump action behind the counter is not without its merits.

  2. I look forward to reading of numerous expulsions from the school. Mind you, I also look forward to reading that Elvis Presley is alive and well and stacking trolleys for Tesco.

  3. Teenagers of no appearance, naturally.

  4. "The quaint American custom of keeping a short-barrelled pump action behind the counter is not without its merits."

    Would need a lot of ammo - these ferals attack in packs.

    "Mind you, I also look forward to reading that Elvis Presley is alive and well and stacking trolleys for Tesco."


    "Teenagers of no appearance, naturally."

    Ain't it always so?
