Friday 20 January 2017

"Ladies And Gentlemen, The President Of The United States.."


Sorry, snowflakes, but he is...

So have your little temper tantrums, but remember - this is exactly how you came to have this state of affairs in the first place. Keep it up, and you pretty much guarantee his second term. Now, if you'll excuse me, there's a man at the door wanting me to sign for this pantechnicon full of popcorn.


  1. Brilliant! If you don't mind, I think I'll just pinch this entire post for my Faceache page

  2. He won't be as bad as people think, he won't be as good as people think. I remember the inauguration of President Reagan and the howls of protest from various groups were wonderful to behold. We didn't have a nuclear war and the Soviet Union thankfully collapsed. Some of the stuff in President Trump's speech sounds suspiciously like the New Deal of FDR in the 1930's. I think he will find that the famed American system of Checks and Balances might well limit his chance to do anything.
    BTW - When you talk about 'special snowflakes' although I find the left wing, annoying, childish and whiny I find that the extreme right are much the same. Some groups that supported Pres Trump are going to be disappointed when the expected promises don't happen, how he handles the disappointment of the voters will define his Presidency.

  3. I've got a feeling that there will be many left wing voters switching sides before his first term is over. Both in the USA and over here. Enjoy your popcorn!

  4. Lynne at Counting Cats21 January 2017 at 22:01

    I'll see your pantechnicon and raise you an Airbus A380.

  5. I think I've said most of it on my blog, although I confess I'm 'pro wall'.

  6. "...I think I'll just pinch this entire post for my Faceache page"

    The more the merrier! The snowflake wailing in pain as he takes the oath is very gratifying too! ;)

    " I remember the inauguration of President Reagan and the howls of protest from various groups were wonderful to behold."

    No social media back then to amplify it all, though!

    "...although I find the left wing, annoying, childish and whiny I find that the extreme right are much the same."

    The extremes of any two diametrically opposed groups are always more alike than you'd think.

    "Enjoy your popcorn!"

    I plan to!

    "...although I confess I'm 'pro wall'."

    That will, I suspect, be the first campaign promise to never see daylight. Pity.

  7. "The snowflake wailing in pain as he takes the oath is very gratifying too"

    Yes I love that one. Did you see the old woman giving a Trump supporter loads of grief while getting on a plane and then being promptly thrown off it by the staff?
