Thursday 19 January 2017

So, They Do Exist...

A spokesperson for Sussex Police said, “A woman who apparently tried to steal a puppy in Eastbourne was rugby tackled by the dog’s owner as she headed off with the dog in her arms.
“The woman is described as white, aged between 30-35, of chubby build, with dark brown shoulder length hair and wearing a cream puffy coat. She spoke in broken English.”
Well, that should worry the police who previously airily dismissed any such suggestions in their usual fashion, shouldn't it?


  1. Silly Julia! It's a long time since anyone in blue faced consequences for lying to the public. In fact, it's practically compulsory with its own box on the performance reports, right between 'Panders to Minorities' and 'Enthusiastically Pursues Anyone Who Looks Like They Might Vote Tory/UKIP'

  2. Lynne at Counting Cats21 January 2017 at 22:10

    Well that's one pup who won't end up as "mystery meat" at a local take-away.

  3. " In fact, it's practically compulsory with its own box on the performance reports.."

    With so many smartphones around, not to mention their own bodycams, it's going to get a lot harder to do. Note the amusing (and sadly disturbing) Avon & Somerset Police Taser incident last week...

    "Well that's one pup who won't end up as "mystery meat" at a local take-away."

    Quite a lot seem to turn up on traveller sites.
