Wednesday 15 February 2017

But...But...The Magic Money Tree!

A bid to use dog DNA to find and fine people who do not clean up after their pets in Flintshire has been recommended to be thrown out.
A scrutiny committee has called on the council cabinet to give up on the controversial project, first mooted in 2015.
Clearly, in Flintshire, they are a bit more canny with taxpayer money than Barking & Dagenham...


  1. In fairness, Barking and Dagenham are both words that mean "bonkers" in London. As in "barking mad" and "three stops beyond Barking". What chance do they have? As a Flintshire boy born and bred, I have to say that you have stumbled upon a rare example of prudence on that county's part.

  2. One small point on getting DNA from dog-turds, or any turds for that matter.
    Unless cells from the large intestine are found adhering to the turds, and that's something very difficult to find, then there's no chance of finding any DNA from the 'turdee'. Turds don't contain DNA from the host body. They consist of digested food and surprisingly large quantities of dead intestinal flora (and possibly fauna, too).

  3. I think the council could better use any funds set aside for doggy DNA (DDNA?), and spend it on armed drones which could monitor the streets and blat the offending pooch, and then it's owner.

  4. "In fairness, Barking and Dagenham are both words that mean "bonkers" in London. "

    Sadly true!

    "Turds don't contain DNA from the host body. They consist of digested food and surprisingly large quantities of dead intestinal flora (and possibly fauna, too)."

    I'm sure the lab that B&D got suckered into using blinded them with science about how this wasn't a risk...

    "...and spend it on armed drones which could monitor the streets and blat the offending pooch, and then it's owner. "

    I like the way you think! AI, OK? That way lies SkyNet.
