Saturday 25 February 2017

Gravity Will 'Stop His Journey' Pretty Soon, I Predict...

The mother of a reckless thrill-seeker who was filmed climbing to the top of Canary Wharf’s One Canada Square has said she is...
Ashamed? Determined to ensure he never does this again?
...“extraordinarily proud” of her son.

Wait. What?
Mrs Gallagher, a croupier, told the newspaper: “It's a double-edge sword. Nobody wants their child risking life and limb. 
“His [older] brother was the freerunner in the family but he gave it up because decided he didn't want to kill himself. Harry never had that fear.
“He just has this passion for it. He is fearless. You can’t stop that journey.”
Not if you don't try, no.


  1. Evidently Mrs G doesn't understand the difference between 'fearless' and 'cretinous'. If some idiot wishes to risk their own life and limb, let them sod off to some deserted mountain, and expect no help from the emergency services. The emergency services are there to assist those who are inadvertently in peril, and should not risk their own lives - or even budgets - on such stupid people.

  2. I feel sorry for the poor sods who are going to have to scrape-up the bloody blancmange which he'll be, having fallen fron that sort of height, and he will.

  3. "The emergency services are there to assist those who are inadvertently in peril, and should not risk their own lives - or even budgets - on such stupid people."

    But they'll turn out all the same... :/

    "I feel sorry for the poor sods who are going to have to scrape-up the bloody blancmange which he'll be, having fallen fron that sort of height, and he will."

    Oh, indeed. I suspect I'll be revisiting this post soon...
