Saturday 25 February 2017

Is It OK To Use Poison To Kill Animal Rights Nutters Though..?

An award-winning animal park accidentally killed some of its exotic birds with rat poison when trying to get rid of vermin.
Drusillas Park near Alfriston has admitted “several” rainbow lorikeets died after eating the poison.
But animal rights campaigners say they have been told up to 22 animals may have been killed by the poison, including crowd favourites a red panda and a meerkat.
They haven't. It's bullshit. No pandas died, and the meerkat died of unrelated causes. But since when have these morons ever had any interest in reality?
Thirteen campaigners gathered outside the attraction yesterday in a hastily arranged protest which was overseen at one point by four police officers.
“We had a mixed response from customers. Some were really quite rude and said we were ruining their kids’ day.
We want Drusillas to make an apology. They have not shown any empathy for those animals.
Putting down rat poison to kill rats is really not OK. They should find a more humane way such as traps that don’t kill the rat so they could release them somewhere.
“They are there to care for animals not to kill them.”
The rats aren't exhibits. They are pests.


  1. They're not Rats - they're Filigree Siberian Hamsters...

  2. They could always stake out the campaigners where the rats congregate, smear them with whatever rancid food rats like and leave them there for the weekend. By Monday, you will find a load of rats too fat to move so they can be disposed of, and 13 less imbeciles. Win win situation.

  3. Perhaps the campaigners would like to welcome the rats into their homes?

  4. @Penseivat

    I support your suggestion and the desirable outcome.

    However, there is a potential problem. After the rats eat the first hippy the rats will be lying on their backs giggling and squeaking "Hey rattie, you know, I mean, wibble" to each other.

  5. I have found that a .22 air-rifle is most efficacious in terminating the corporeal existence of any of the species rodentia.

  6. XX They should find a more humane way such as traps that don’t kill the rat so they could release them somewhere.XX Somewhere like standing outside a zoo with signs "Save the rats" do they mean?

  7. "They're not Rats - they're Filigree Siberian Hamsters..."

    LOL! Hey, some Chinese zoo would probably do that...

    "I have found that a .22 air-rifle is most efficacious in terminating the corporeal existence of any of the species rodentia."

    Bit too small a calibre for hippies though...
