Friday 3 February 2017

No Doubt There Was Teeth-Kissing Involved Too...

Pearson, who has a number of previous convictions including assaults and theft, rolled her eyes and shook her head as the decision was announced.
I can just imagine it....
The 22-year-old single mother left court with a jacket over her head and told the press outside: "I'm not happy."
You ought to be pretty used to it, with 15 convictions.
She will be sentenced at a later date at Isleworth crown court.
Expect the pussy pass to come into immediate effect, even though the Race Card was declined due to insufficient funds.


  1. The Pussy Pass and the Race Card combined can't atone for real atrocities, like bringing urban vibrancy inside the Velvet Rope.

    Just like the same people who call for open borders would freak out if they ended up sitting next to a plumber at the BAFTAs, Jeremy Whine and his celeb pals slobber over authentic street cultcha, init, just as long as they don't have to deal with it.

    If this had been Stan Vine, what works down the docks, Jezza would be lobbing softball questions to some race hustling bum on whether or not it's raciss to expect blacks to obey traffic laws.

  2. Lynne at Counting Cats3 February 2017 at 20:14

    Bimboid v Beeboid. I wonder what Vine thinks about enrichment now? Actually thinks, not what he's expected to think.

  3. Please sterilise her.

  4. "Just like the same people who call for open borders would freak out if they ended up sitting next to a plumber at the BAFTAs, Jeremy Whine and his celeb pals slobber over authentic street cultcha, init, just as long as they don't have to deal with it. "

    Oh, quite!

    The elderly West Indian doorman and the jolly Sikh lady in the BBC canteen wouldn't prepare poor Jezza for the sight of a rampant chimpess in full territorial display...

    "Please sterilise her."

    I would say we can expect her personality to keep away any males, but...
