Friday 3 February 2017

'Police Intelligence' Still An Oxymoron

Via Tim Worstall, this:
A police force carried out a controlled explosion on a “suspicious” car outside a station, not realising its own officers had parked it there.
A bomb squad was called after concerns about an unattended Vauxhall Corsa at Workington police station, Cumbria. Roads around the building, in Hall Brow, were sealed off and an explosion carried out at 08:00 GMT.
The force blamed “an internal communications error” and apologised to the owner.
Could have been worse:
In the footage, the Metropolitan Police officer tells the DJ: "This isn't racist, it's a fact. Predominantly, the criminal profile of people who do it are black people.
"So, naturally if you see a car full of black guys, maybe dressed in gangster-style clothing or whatever, when they're driving down there, they're getting stopped."
Maybe these two should get together after the dismissal and have a commiseration drink..?

H/T: Robert Hale via email


  1. Lynne at Counting Cats3 February 2017 at 20:26

    Cumbria police declare war on Vauxhall Corsa.

    "It was wearing a big bushy beard and had an AK-47 disguised as an exhaust pipe," a police spokesperson explained. "At least that is what that nice spaceman with the funny antennae said after he landed his flying saucer in the middle of the high street."

  2. "Cumbria police..."

    That's the most puzzling thing! What were they thinking was the main threat, Al Quaeda? The IRA? The Kendal Mint Cake Liberation Front?
