Thursday 2 March 2017

A Council Scheme, Not Properly Thought Through? The Devil You Say!

A cash-strapped council is set to start issuing on the spot fines to dog walkers who do not have a ‘poop scoop bag’.
To, one presumes, little old ladies. While scruffy yoof walk their pitbulls with impunity.
Members of the public are also being encouraged to take pictures of offenders using their smartphones and upload them to the council website.
That's going to fall foul of privacy and data protection laws so fast it'll make your head spin!

H/T: Alf Stone via email, who commented: "There's no truth in the rumour that the enforcers will be called Sh*t Trackers And Sh*t Inspectors - STASI for short." 


  1. What authority will these inspectors have to demand to see the poop bags? There may be a byelaw where dog users have to collect their dog's droppings, but no law which say these bags have to be produced on demand. Another ill-thought out council diktat by council dikheads.

  2. I think it's great. We pay exorbitant taxes to keep our leaders in brandy an cigars, yet don't feel their presence in our lives enough. No more shall we go about our lives blissfully in ignorance of their presence. They are here, they are there, they are everywhere! What value for money they are.

  3. "What authority will these inspectors have to demand to see the poop bags?"

    Whatever their authoritay, YOU WILL RESPECT IT! ;)

    "I think it's great. We pay exorbitant taxes to keep our leaders in brandy an cigars, yet don't feel their presence in our lives enough. No more shall we go about our lives blissfully in ignorance of their presence."

    When it comes to ignorant people letting their dogs foul everywhere, I'm remarkably sanguine about that.

  4. It would maintain in a fridge for as much as two weeks.
