Wednesday 1 March 2017

When Running To The Local Paper Backfires....

Sam Holland, of Elm Road, Leigh, was travelling home from London at about 9pm with his legs resting on the seat.
A man ordered the 31-year-old to take his feet off the seat, despite Mr Holland pointing out they were not touching the fabric.
Mr Holland said he was bemused by the man’s attitude because there were just seven other commuters on the carriage.

I'm unaware of any unwritten rule that says it's OK to put your dirty feet on the seats if there's below minimum people in the carriage?
He said: “A few minutes later he came back and pulled my legs off the seat.
“He was looming over me and I felt I needed to stand up. I didn’t feel I was doing anything wrong. I started to speak to another passenger about the situation and then I was hit.”
General disclaimer here, violence is - of course! - not the answer, and blah, blah, blah...
He said: “Since it happened I have read story after story about people dying from a single punch. I just want to use this opportunity to say: ‘I didn’t die but I could have.’
What a terrible loss it would have been to the world, eh, Sam?
British Transport Police (BTP) investigated and seized CCTV footage. However, the footage did not work and officers then interviewed the man, who said he was acting in self-defence.
BTP told Mr Holland the man will face no further action because he claimed he had “reasonable excuse to act in the way he did.”
Mr Holland said he wants witnesses to the November 15 incident to come forward.
He added: “I just want to highlight that this is just not a nice thing to do to somebody. I just see it too often- there are too many angry people on that line.”
Yes there are. Because of inbred scum like you.

At the time of writing, there are 161 comments. Virtually none have the least shred of sympathy.

And those that do...

And then a lot further down, we find that Sam's only recourse hasn't been the local paper. Like the ignorant self-absorbed little manchild he is, he's put his story on FaceBook. 

And it makes him look even more of a See You Next Tuesday, and I didn't think this was even possible!

Oh dear...


  1. This is a welcome change in the attitude of the Police. They have gone from treating everyone as a criminal, to "cctv not working". I blame Brexit.
    Also why is a "designer" trying to look like Ron Jeremy?

  2. Nice to see people are starting to feedback the fact they are no longer putting up with people like him. Long may it continue.

  3. Hmm, interesting. Just to play devils advocate:

    A random do-gooder on a train, rides his high horse up to a stranger who is doing something he doesn't like, but isn't doing any harm.
    The do-gooder gives the man a gobful, before eventually leaving the carriage
    He then returns to the carriage and gets physical, first forcefully moving the chaps legs and then punching him when challenged for it

    Ok, so people shouldn't put their feet on the seats.

    But I've worked in pubs for long enough to be a decent enough student of human nature in situations like this.
    At the end of the day, nobody likes to be spoken down to in public. That's why the chap didn't remove his legs when told to by a stranger and that's why the stranger came back into the carriage for round two.
    It's how 'unprovoked assaults' happen in pubs. Someone is a bit of a knob, but neither party are able to back down for fear of looking soft.

    I don't want to stick up for the guy putting his feet on the seats and I'm not going to. Neither am I going to applaud a person who approaches a stranger on a train in this manner.

    Sometimes you just need to let it go

  4. Usually the death by a single punch thing is the punchee's back of the head meeting the flag stone or kerb at high speed, not the actual punch.

  5. The Blocked Dwarf1 March 2017 at 18:22

    "Sometimes you just need to let it go"-Bucko

    As the judge said to me.

    ..and as I keep on saying to my own adult sons. "Yes he may have parked on the pavement so you can't get by in your wheelchair, next to a lethal road, but did you really have to fire bomb his car? It's important to keep a sense of proportion...keying his paintwork with your chair as you squeezed past would have sufficed I feel. Remember it says in the good book 'the meek will inherit what they damn well please, you c**t' or words similar to that.

  6. Bucko The Moose, good point well made. I recon they deserved each other. It would have been good to hear the other blokes version of events, and to know why the BTP believed him instead.

  7. Oh dear.

    "Comments are closed on this article"

    This is why we can't have nice things...

  8. "Also why is a "designer" trying to look like Ron Jeremy?"

    Well, it IS Essex..!

    "Nice to see people are starting to feedback the fact they are no longer putting up with people like him. Long may it continue."

    It's the Big Society in action at last!

    "Sometimes you just need to let it go"

    Maybe, but hasn't that contributed to the society we have today?

    "Usually the death by a single punch thing is the punchee's back of the head meeting the flag stone or kerb at high speed, not the actual punch."

    His head his the carriage wall, according to him, but I suspect it didn't run the risk of death; or indeed, knocking any sense (or manners) into him...

    "Remember it says in the good book 'the meek will inherit what they damn well please, you c**t' or words similar to that."


  9. "It would have been good to hear the other blokes version of events, and to know why the BTP believed him instead."

    Maybe they had the sense to look Ron Jeremy up on FaceBook?

    "Oh dear.

    "Comments are closed on this article"

    This is why we can't have nice things..."

    It was inevitable! Still, good while it lasted... ;)
