Friday 3 March 2017

Just Another Day On Canvey...

Officers from the emergency response unit were called to reports of an ongoing domestic incident at a house in Point Road, Canvey,
A 25-year-old man had allegedly hit his 63-year-old dad before officers arrived.
When police turned up to safeguard the people inside the property, the pair turned on them.
Which is why police hate domestics.
PC Alfie McPhilimey, from the Castle Point and Rochford local policing team, received minor injuries during the incident.
He Tweeted: “We arrested a violent male who decided to assault me and six other colleagues.”
Wait, what? Seven against two? FFS! What sort of police were they?


  1. With your deep knowledge and practical experience of restraining people who don't want to be restrained what would you have done? I have had to restrain people and it's not pretty, you grab limbs, bend joints and in extremis deliver strikes. Add to that one side has to play by the rules and the other doesn't and even you might be able to see a problem somewhere. Any injury to one of the simple island folk will probably result in an investigation by either the DPS or the IPCC and any deviation from HO approved tactics will be seen as evidence of wrongdoing. Five to one is actually good odds, we used to use that for cell extractions - one for each limb and one to communicate. I'm sure some of the experts who comment here would say 'it should only need one person', well if they are co-operative that's all it needs, someone who is fighting needs more people enable them to be safely restarined. Physical restraint is fraught with risks for all concerned. A taser (if available) would be useful but inside a house the ability to deploy baton strikes or CS can be limited.

  2. Some people are just bad. Taser them until they lie down, then taser them a couple more times just to make sure. Then give them the option of another buzz if they don't say sorry.

  3. Spot on Retired. The trouble is that the experts on this blog have seen to many TV programmes and films where an American cop single-handedly fights ten gangsters with his bare hands and wins. Real life isn't like that. I remember episodes of the Bill where a tiny WPC chases a huge man and manages to handcuff him behind his back as he conveniently places his hands in exactly the right position.

  4. "ACH! maybe we should go on Facefuck, and ask civvys how we should deal with it."

  5. The Blocked Dwarf5 March 2017 at 01:48

    Oh for the good old days when there was an 'understanding' ie you meekly put your hands out and let the peeler cuff you and he'd cuff at the front so you could smoke. But the police probably aren't allowed to cuff at the front at all these days and I dare say for good reason.

    DO I sound like an old fart pining for the 'Golden Days'? Maybe I am but in all honesty I have never seen the point of resisting arrest, at best it pisses the coppers off and at worst it gets you pain or added points and prizes later.

    And on the subject of 'how many coppers does it take to..'(sounds like the start of a 'light bulb' joke), just ask anyone who has worked in a Children's home or a Mental Hospital. As someone said 'one for each limb and one to talk to the head', and that applies even with fairly small children. Try restraining a 10 year old who does NOT want to stop stabbing his room mate and 'talk about it', the only way one person alone can restrain such a child is by doing him damage, career-in-social-work-ending damage.

  6. "Five to one is actually good odds, we used to use that for cell extractions - one for each limb and one to communicate. "

    I'm guessing none of those five was a 4ft nothing WPC, like the one I saw patrolling Southend High St the other day?

    And no, she wasn't a PCSO!

    "Taser them until they lie down, then taser them a couple more times just to make sure. Then give them the option of another buzz if they don't say sorry."

    I'd love to see the police electricity bill go up. It'd be worth paying ;)

    "The trouble is that the experts on this blog have seen to many TV programmes and films where an American cop single-handedly fights ten gangsters with his bare hands and wins."

    'too many' ;)

    ""ACH! maybe we should go on Facefuck, and ask civvys how we should deal with it.""

    "Five rounds rapid!"

    "DO I sound like an old fart pining for the 'Golden Days'? Maybe I am but in all honesty I have never seen the point of resisting arrest, at best it pisses the coppers off and at worst it gets you pain or added points and prizes later. "

    The point these days seems to be bragging rights to your equally inbred mates on the island...
