Friday 3 March 2017

"She fall down, go boom!"

Eren Hussein, 53, blamed dim lighting at the world famous Soho club after breaking her wrist and elbow falling down stairs after a party in 2012.
She wanted thousands in damages, but after a civil trial this week, a judge threw out her claim, saying the fall wasn't the club's fault.
On what grounds?
Judge Heather Baucher QC said Mrs Hussein was intoxicated, obese, wearing shoes with high platform heels, and not taking care by holding the bannister as she descended.
"In her inebriated, obese state on three-inch platforms, that would be an obvious, simple step for anyone presented with what they saw as a hazard," she said.

H/T: wiggia via email


  1. Common sense from a judge? I think I'm going to have to lie down in a darkened room.

  2. Ted, this is not an isolated incident. We can expect more of this because people were stupid enough to vote Brexit.

  3. Eren Hussein, who grew on the ugly tree

    OT: anyone having a problem connecting to Arrse ? Nothing on their twitter acc.

  4. I'm surprised the leftards haven't already started smearing the judge, e.g., female judge who does not agree with our agenda = lesbian. (I know nothing about this judge's sexuality, and don't care either; it's nothing to do with me or anyone else.)
    It seems unbelievable yet, but there's an air of sense returning to this country, bit by bit, as people (well, the few who can still think for themselves after so many years of CP propaganda), are starting to question the daily muck (DM) flowing over them from all the TV channels and newspapers. And from the Daily Mail (DM).
    It's a bit too soon for a Maggie-style "Rejoice!", but the signs are positive.

  5. "Common sense from a judge? I think I'm going to have to lie down in a darkened room."

    I know! I bet she appeals...

    "It seems unbelievable yet, but there's an air of sense returning to this country, bit by bit..."

    It's early days yet. Don't jinx it!
