Wednesday 17 May 2017

"But...But...What About My Compo?"

From the 'Metro' story on the Drayton Manor theme park drowning:

Some parents are just totally lacking in self-awareness, aren't they?


  1. Sometimes the jokes just write themselves don't they?

  2. Julia,

    Agree. Don't stand up is a short clear instruction. The girl (Darwin Award) disobeyed and paid the price.

    What safety do the "not my fault" brigade want on "scary" white water rafting? Seat-belts?

    btw: email sent days ago: H/T Darwin Award....

  3. The Mum of the dead child was quoted in the paper yesterday saying that she is going to sue the theme park. I'm sure a huge cheque will bring her daughter back.

  4. With regards to Evha Jannath, there is probably a 60 year old in a village in the shit hills of Pakistan, upset because his planned wedding when Evha turns 12 will not now take place. How sad.

  5. "Sometimes the jokes just write themselves don't they?"


    "What safety do the "not my fault" brigade want on "scary" white water rafting? Seat-belts?"

    What a great idea! *gets popcorn*
