Tuesday 16 May 2017

Envy Politics...

In a clip of the exchange, Cathy said: “Theresa, are you going to help people with learning difficulties? I’m being serious, I want you to do something for us.”
What do you want her to do for you? You've managed to get to a market town to question the PM on live TV, I'd say you weren't doing so bad...
...I’ve got mild learning disabilities and I haven’t got a carer at the moment and I’m angry and I would like somebody to help me because I can’t do everything I want to do.
Like what? We never quite find out. All Chatty Cathy can manage is boilerplate Labour rhetoric, as you'd expect from someone with learning difficulties:
“I’m talking about everybody, not just me, for everybody who’s got mental health and anybody who’s got learning disabilities. I want them not to have their money taken away from them and being crippled. The fat cats keep the money and us lot get nothing.”
'Their' money, 'taken away from them' and given to 'fat cats'. That sounds familiar! And of course, the usual suspects cheer on their stooge.
She went on to tell Mrs May that she wanted disability living allowance to be reinstated as the personal independence payment had left her worse off and said: “I can’t live off £100 a month.
You won't be, because PiP is a top up - it's applied to whatever other sources of income you have, either from work or Jobseeker's Allowance. So you aren't expected to 'live off it'.
As the Prime Minister stopped off at a pet food stall, she was questioned by pensioner Duncan Macarthey 83, who lives in Abingdon, on why high earners were able to take advantage of Government schemes to buy new homes.
He said: "Rich people jumped on the bandwagon of that and got houses that they shouldn't have got."
Good luck designing a system that allowed only the targeted audience from benefiting, Mr McCarthy. And just who do you think should get the task of determining what sort of property people 'should get'? You?


  1. http://www.express.co.uk/life-style/cars/804710/driverless-cars-self-driving-petrol-diesel-ban-electric-2025

    Not sure the caption's quite right here, Julie.

  2. Just think, 83 years of life experience and he never advanced beyond the six year old's "Wah wah wah 'snot faaaiiir".


  3. This is why the Labour Party is screwed. The idiot membership watches obnoxious cows like Cathy and thinks 'you go girl!', meanwhile normal people see her performance and think 'OK, so you can stalk the PM and reel off Labour talking points, but you can't do a shift at McDonalds? Say what'?

    They just don't get it. People are sick of having their hard earned cash taken off then to support entitled whiners.

  4. That attitude ,"It's MY money" is the root of the problem.

    Learning or earning difficulties apart, there's a lack of comprehension of economics.

  5. Should money be wasted on a ranting monger, or donated to someone, like me; suave, sophisticated, smart and used to an expensive lifestyle? Please make the cheque, to 'Flaxen Saxon' and send directly to my manager, Mr Ipod '10%' Mugumbo- don't forget the VAT. I thank you.

  6. "Not sure the caption's quite right here..."

    Oo-er, missus!

    "Just think, 83 years of life experience and he never advanced beyond the six year old's "Wah wah wah 'snot faaaiiir"."

    There's going to be a lot more of this before the election's over...

    "... meanwhile normal people see her performance and think 'OK, so you can stalk the PM and reel off Labour talking points, but you can't do a shift at McDonalds? Say what'?"

    Spot on!

    "That attitude ,"It's MY money" is the root of the problem."

    Indeed! It's one that seems to be spreading.

    "...or donated to someone, like me; suave, sophisticated, smart and used to an expensive lifestyle?"

    Well, so long as it's not wasted... ;)
