Tuesday 16 May 2017

Who Was Escorting Him, Stevie Wonder?

A Met Police spokesman said: “He is a black man of slim build and was last seen wearing blue jeans, a black sweatshirt, a green coat and carrying a black rucksack.
“He has links to the Blackheath area.
“Bokesa is considered dangerous and should not be approached.”
 Well, why isn't he locked up safely, th...

Police have released CCTV footage of a “dangerous” man who escaped via a bus while on escorted leave from a mental unit in south east London.


  1. If my experience of the staff at mental health institutions is anything to go by (visiting a sectioned friend, rather than personal incarceration!) the person 'escorting' him will have been under strict instructions not to touch him at any time or attempt to restrain him, merely to 'encourage' him not to abscond, on the grounds of Health'n'Safety of course. As an example I once spent an evening in a pub with my friend, who was allowed out to celebrate his birthday, with an escort. The escort spent the evening smoking dope and drinking lager. If my friend had decided he wanted to do a runner there wasn't a thing the escort could (or would) have done about it.

    When you see up close how these patients are managed, some of whom are potentially very dangerous, its frightening.

  2. It's very cruel to describe the unit as "mental". It's a victim, I tell you.

  3. Jim is spot on. There's a large nut house on my borough and they ring us all the time. If the inmate on escorted leave walks away the nurse follows said nutter unit he or she get bored then they simply phone the police. All of a sudden the patient that was judged suitable for a walk in the town is now classified as high risk and we have to drop everything to try and find him.

  4. Google may provide a service to translate your fluent 'inglish' into something we can comprehend, WC Jaded. It would just save us the trouble, dear.

  5. "...the person 'escorting' him will have been under strict instructions not to touch him at any time or attempt to restrain him..."

    FFS! Chocolate teapots come to mind...

    "All of a sudden the patient that was judged suitable for a walk in the town is now classified as high risk..."

    Can't they be charged with either making a false report, or a breach of H&S then? Catch 22!
